three. kia vs issac (round 103, collecting data!)

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season 1, episode 2 -  Live A Little (Pt. 1)

chapter three,

kia vs issac (round 103, collecting data!)

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kia vs issac (round 103, collecting data!)

THE NEXT DAY, Kia was getting ready for school.  Brady and Paige were on their way, prompting her to hurry.  Deciding on a white floral mini dress with her doc martens and heart socks, she quickly put them on.  Her hair was in a claw clip bun, checking to see if it got messed up.  Grabbing her denim jacket and backpack, she went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Her parents were in the kitchen, making pancakes and egg. Kia kissed each of their cheeks before she quickly sitting at the table.

"Looks like someone's in a hurry." her mother teased, noticing her actions. "Brady and Paige are coming to pick me up so I need to eat fast." While waiting for the food, she took out her phone to see a notification from an unknown number.





Who is this?


Its Issac, Peters

xxxxxxxxx has been changed to Garcia!!!




Anyways, do you want to come over to my house after school?

So we can start working on the project?


Sure.  See you at school, Garcia


See you there, Peters

zzzzzzzzz has been changed to Peters!!!

Katherine noticed Issac's conversion with Kia and wore a soft smile.  Its so nice that their working together, she thought to herself.  "Hi, Issac.  How is your project with Kia going?"

Issac stopped eating his cereal.  "Its going... its going great!" he exclaimed, turning to his younger brother to go along with it.  "Yeah, Aunt Katherine! Him and Kia have been getting along so well.  In fact, I think their starting to become friends."

Style, Issac Garcia (Completed until Season 2!)Where stories live. Discover now