eight. the bonfire (pt. 1)

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season 1, episode 6 - Baggage (pt. 1)


the bonfire (pt

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the bonfire (pt. 1)!

IT WAS THE day after Thanksgiving and Issac couldn't be more excited.  He was going to ride his horse with Kia! The boy furrowed his eyebrows. He wasn't supposed to be acting like this! They hated each other! So why did he like the way she laughed, how pretty she looked, and her snarky remarks? He just brushed it off as he went into the stables to get his horse. "Come on, Carrots."

Meanwhile, Kia was brushing Pumpkin's coat. She noticed Issac with his horse, wearing a small smile. "So this is Carrots. Could I pet them?"

"Yeah, sure.  Carrots, this is Peters.  Peters, this is Carrots."  Carrots calmed down as Kia touched their coat.  "They're very pretty." Kia stated.  "Yeah, they are." he stated. "So... are you ready to ride now?" Issac asked her.  "Yeah."

The two of them saddled up and got onto their horses, riding out into the fields. "I'm gonna beat you, Garcia!"

"Not if I beat you first!"  As they rode side by side, the two couldn't help but laugh.  It was like the two of them were friends, simply enjoying each other's company.  It was confusing, actually.  They were cool one day and by the next, they were yelling at each other.

"I win!" Kia exclaimed, getting off her horse.  "That's not fair!"

"Well, you're just going to have to try harder next time."  Kia stated.  Issac got off his horse, shielding his eyes from the sun.  "Are you saying that we're doing this again another time?" he questioned.

"Yeah, why wouldn't we? After all, it's for the plan, remember?"

The plan! How could he forget the plan? He was so stupid! Why would the two of them ever be friends? By the time the whole thing was over, they would be back to their old routine.  So why didn't he want that to happen?

"Yeah, right.  The plan."  The two sat in silence, watching the sun go down.  Issac glanced at Kia for a moment, noticing how the sun shined on her face.  She looks even prettier, he thought to himself.  He would have to talk to Lee about it later.

MONDAY CAME AND the kids were back at school. Some people were being asked to the dance through sweet gestures which made Kia smile. The girl was secretly a hopeless romantic, praying that someone would ask her to the dance. The only problem was who would she even go with?

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