six (pt. two). surfs up

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season 1, episode 4 - Nineteen (Pt. 2)

chapter six,

surfs up (pt

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surfs up (pt. 2)!

ISSAC WATCHED AS Kia skated on the ice. She looked like she was struggling though. Stupid skates, she thought to herself as she glided across the floor. She wanted to ask her parents to get her a new pair of skates for a few months now but didn't want to burden them with the task. She sometimes felt guilty that her parents spent their money on things she wanted when she could gladly live without them.

As she attempted to do a few tricks, she started spinning out of control. "Kia, slow down!" her teacher exclaimed. "I can't!" she stated, trying to stop her skates. Before she knew it, she tripped on something and was going to hit the ice. Bracing herself for the impact, she closed her eyes. But she didn't fall. Opening her eyes, she noticed someone's arms wrapped around her waist. "You okay, Peters?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Garcia." His arms were still around her waist, causing her to clear her throat. "Um, Garcia? I think you can let go now."

"Oh, right. Sorry." The boy slowly let go of her waist, staring at her. "You sure you're okay?"

"I'm okay, Garcia. Thank you."

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"You heard what I said, Garcia and I'm not gonna repeat it again."

Issac laughed, causing her to roll her eyes. "Issac! Stop flirting with Kia and let her focus on her lesson!" her ice skating instructor stated.

"I wasn't flirting with her!" Kia laughed, causing Issac to furrow his eyebrows. Her laugh is kind of cute, he thought to himself. Wait... did he just think her laugh was cute? Why was he starting to like her laugh? And why did he think she was pretty?

"Garcia, you need to get off the ice. You heard what my teacher said."

"I'm going, I'm going. But be careful, Peters."

BRADY'S CAR WAS parked outside of the mall, waiting for Jackie to get a bathing suit. He hoped she would come soon so they could go to the beach before it got dark.

Hearing a knock on the window, he turned around, relieved it was Jackie. Unlocking the car, she got in, putting on her seatbelt.  "You excited?" Brady asked as he put on his own seatbelt.  "A little." Jackie answered, putting a strand of hair behind her ear.   Brady stared the car and drove away.

Style, Issac Garcia (Completed until Season 2!)Where stories live. Discover now