bonus chapter! - the day issac realized something

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bonus chapter,

the day issac realized something!

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the day issac realized something!

LOUD MUSIC BLARED through the gym as Issac scrolled through his phone.  Not a lot of the school was at the dance yet, only a few kids were either dancing or gossiping.  It didn't help that Lee was coming with Samira, leaving him alone for a few.

"Is this seat taken?" someone asked, causing him to look up from his phone.  It was Kia, and Issac almost forgot what to say.  Her hair was longer and curled at the ends.  She wore a long, pink spaghetti strap dress with heels and jewelry.  "Hi, Garcia.  You clean up well." Kia took a seat, looking in her compact mirror.  "Thanks, Peters.  You look great."

"Do you want to dance first or get snacks?"

"We can get snacks first." The two of them walked to the snack table, plating a few appetizers and grabbed some water. Sitting back at the table, the two of them ate. "Did anyone ask you to the dance before me?" Issac asked. "Yeah, but I'm not into them. Plus, I could tell that they were doing it as a joke."

"Well, just so you know, I didn't ask you to the dance as a joke. I just wanted to."

"Thank God you didn't. Otherwise, I would've killed you."

EVENTUALLY, MORE PEOPLE started to arrive.  Brady and Jackie walked in together.  The girl wore a short black dress, matching heels, and a headband.  "Hey, guys." Brady stated to Kia and Issac.  "Hey, Brady." Kia said, giving him a hug.  "Oh my god, Jackie! You look so pretty!"

"Thank you.  You look beautiful in that dress.  Don't you think so, Issac?"  The boy's cheeks started to flush again, "What do you think about Brady, Jackie?"

Now it was Jackie's turn for her cheeks to flush. "There's Sam and Lee.  We'll be right back." Brady stated.

Time passed as people started moving onto the dance floor.  "Come on, Garcia.  Let's dance."  Kia stated, grabbing Issac's hand.  Luckily, she was leading him, otherwise she would've seen how red his face was.  "I Feel It Coming" by The Weeknd was playing as the two of them moved to the beat.  "Wow, Peters.  I didn't know you could dance."

"I do ice skating, Garcia.  Plus, I've been to parties before.  You're not too bad yourself."  Issac danced a bit closer to her, causing Kia to laugh.  The two of them were having a great time together, surprisingly.

"Look at them.  They're bonding." Brady stated.  Jackie smiled, "I never thought they'd get along.  After all their bickering, I'm so glad they aren't shouting at each other for once."

"Me too."  After playing multiple songs, the DJ put on "Lover" by Taylor Swift.  People started to slow dance, causing Brady and Jackie to follow suit.  "But I had a great time with you." Jackie stated.  "I did too."  Brady arms were wrapped around her waist while Jackie's were wrapped around his neck.  The two of them were so close to each other.  Jackie's eyes glanced down at his lips, causing Brady's to do the same.

The next thing you know, the two of them shared a quick kiss.  "Did you just see that?" Kia asked.  "No.  What?"

"Jackie and Brady kissed."


"Yes.  I don't know why though."  Issac stood up from his seat.  "Can I have this dance?" Issac asked in a flirty tone.  "Sure." Kia answered.  The two of them found a spot, slow dancing with one another.  Kia put her head on his shoulder, "Thank you for asking me."

Issac's heart started to beat a bit, "No problem.  Peters?"

"Yes, Garcia?"

"You look really pretty tonight.  Especially with your glasses."

"Thank you.  I didn't really know if I wanted to wear them tonight but that makes me feel a bit better about them."



Issac liked Kia.

Maya Speaks 💫:

I'm always going to be a Cole Walter hater (idc, idc)

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I'm always going to be a Cole Walter hater (idc, idc)

Like the actor is FINE but I hate Cole 😭

He played him a bit too well bc I was getting annoyed when he came on my screen

Also why was Alex done so dirty? Like he's so sweet 😭

But Issac has a crush on Kia! Everyone rejoice!

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