A way out

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It was over I pondered; this would be my end. The feeling of helplessness seemed to swallow my being, thankfully the common sense was slowly rising from the ocean of the panic that almost dominated my head. Michael Hanson was injured, shot two times by Dan. I stretch my back and I felt the figure behind me disorientating lightly, so I shoved my elbow to his side and I heard a groan and the grip around my neck loosened and I seized the opportunity to stepped away. I saw the man with the mask, it was loose over his head.

He only stared at me and I found myself taking steps backwards, away from him, he didn't react, he only sighed and slowly brought his hand in the back of his neck and gently started to remove the mask. I couldn't believe my eyes as the mask fell to the ground, the man without a face had two faces apparently...

"No" I breathed out.

"I am sorry Nellie" he mumbled and didn't attempt to move.

"You... You are sorry? This is all you have to say?" I yelled at him, I felt tears, I didn't know if it was from anger because I was outsmarted and played, from the betrayal I felt or the hurt... It was Richy, the person who was supposingly helped us get the legend, helped the rest hide. He attacked Jessy, twice... The person he was 'in love' with.

"You were right you know... About everything" He started off ignoring everything I was saying. "About everything pretty much, But you missed one thing. There were three people that night" He started saying and he slowly broke down as he narrated everything he did the past weeks, how he was with the girls the night of the accident, and how he lured Hannah to the Hanson residence. I was left looking at him, speechless. He didn't say anything, he couldn't.

His phone suddenly started to ring. I saw Jessy's picture. "I'd like to see how you will tell her. She was shattered when I told her what I saw happen to you..." I spoke.

"Leave" He stated and I laughed lightly at his demanding tone that seemed to be confident enough. "I was serious about the explosives you know..." he spoke and it felt like a punch in the throat. Jake, I had to reach him first, how could I forget him.

"One last thing..." I spoke "Why my number? Why me?" I asked loudly and he simply shook his head.

His gaze blank as he looked at me, his black eyes weren't cheerful and sweet as the way I had met him, he was dark now. He didn't speak, I walked towards him and pushed him. He took out a knife and placed it under my chin and I stayed still. "I wouldn't waste the few minutes I have left MC" He spoke and once he removed the knife from my neck, I took some steps backwards before finally running off that specific tunnel. I got notification on my phone, to join in Richy and Jessy's call. I was sad, she was crying hysterically her sobs echoing in my head. She definitely didn't deserve this, the hurt in her voice when she realized he marked her and attacked her, I was listening to them as I called Jake's name.

'Who else did you tell about the mine?' Alan asked through a text message. He hadn't realize where I was.

'Why do you ask?' I texted and paused, it sounded important and maybe if I moved the reception would be lost again.

'The FBI just arrived, and I do not think it is for Mrs. Donford...' he replied and I panicked.

"Shit shit shit" I repeated "Jake?" I yelled and texted him as well. My voice echoed as I decided to call him. It was the first time I did so, the circumstances didn't allow the butterflies to fly around, even though I had to admit there were plenty hints of enthusiasm and happiness despite the sticky situation we found ourselves into. A few seconds later I heard the Nokia 2000s ringtone, I couldn't help but giggle. My heart was beating fast and for several seconds I forgot about the explosives and the FBI. He was behind me.

I finished the call without turning around.

"Nellie" spoke Jake, his voice calm but shaky, echoing at the dark alley.

I slowly turned around and faced him, he looked oddly like Hannah in many ways but he also didn't. He was wearing a black hoodie with a star wars emblem and a jacket, I scanned his appearance unintentionally, I only had to take in his vision. He had brown hair, messy.

"What are you doing here? Nellie you said-." He begun to preach me and I simply run and wrapped my arms around his neck only to realize how much taller than me he actually is and more fit than his looks. I could tell he was caught off guard, he slowly wrapped his arms around me and held me close for some moments before a buzz on my phone struck me back on reality.

I pulled away. "Well, there's shitty signal. And I really had to talk to you... for several things that tend to get higher on the number each time I have a notification." I spoke and I saw his confused gaze at me as I was staring up at him. "First things first... Hannah is safe, out of here with Bloomgate." I announced and I saw the relief upon his features and I smiled at him.

"She is safe?" He asked and his voice was bass but soothing. "How about Richy?" Jake asked. I clenched my jaw, he slowly brought his hand on my chin wiping some blood. "You encountered Michael" He realized. "I came here, so I would keep you safe Nellie, so you wouldn't have to undergo even more danger. I can't have you running mindlessly into jeopardy." He spoke and I rolled my eyes. It felt oddly familiar.

"Michael is indeed dead, Richy is behind everything you know. But this doesn't really matter now does it? I mean, Friendly Bureau of Information is here and Richy also mentioned some explosives... and something about only a few minutes. So we can run so you can preach me about my carelessness and thank me about saving your life." I smiled, seeing his struggle to catch up with my sassy babbling, it was oddly satisfying

"We need to get out" Jake spoke and took my hand.

"You think?" I asked as I ran beside him holding his hand just as tight. "FYI we don't have to worry about Richy and Bloomgate" I smiled lightly.

"Oh I only have one fear right now. Trust me it neither of those." He said.

"Care to share your fears Jake?" I panted lightly as he paused the run abruptly looking at his map and I stumbled on his back before stopping myself.

"Left to the shafts." He spoke and took my hand again. "Getting you out of here. I offered to come so you would be safe." Stated Jake. His thoughts were stuck on getting me out of there and to be honest I do not know if this angered me or had me melt.

"Let's just say that I always am a step ahead of you." Said I and winked. I could tell he was mad despite his smile at my expression.

"Of course." He spoke and looked at me with maintaining his smile. Once his gaze was removed his jaw clenched.

We were running, our pants echoing in the narrow tunnels. His flashlight finally reached the ladder when massive sound was heard. I paused and looked behind us to see the rocks falling and a wave of fire approaching. The whole mine shook and we started running from the inevitable. Jake was holding my hand so tight, I felt that he would smash it.  

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