
164 6 3

Jake Donfort

Everything went by too fast, the explosion the fire. I was holding Nellie one moment and then next I felt the blast. My back crushed on the stone wall of the mine. My vision was blurry and my ears had an unbearable ringing I couldn't get rid of. I realized my grip was empty, I wiped my eyes trying to get a clearer sight on my surroundings, I was looking for Nellie, my heart beating so fast at the thought of her being injured.

I walked closer to the blocked corridor, there was too much dust, the blast boosted us to a wall so she must be close to a wall, I thought as I stumbled around to closest wall. I was coughing as I kneeled to the ground in order to breath better as the dysphoria on my chest was getting worse, those thoughts though disappeared once I saw her laying on her chest, unmoved.

"Nellie... Can you hear me?" I asked her as softly patted her shoulder. I took her hand my fingers tracing her wrist for a sign of pulse. I thought of how soft her hands were and how cold. She must have been freezing all this time, I pondered, she didn't have a jacket.

I didn't receive an immediate response and I was already started panicking at the lack of life signs until I heard her groan. "Hey take it easy." I commented as she made an effort to sit up on her forearms.

"Jake?" she asked between coughs as she turned on her side carefully to sit up. She raised her gaze up to look at me, I could see her struggles to move. The blast was tough, I got her under the shoulders and helped her sit up, it must have been uneasy as she let out a groan of pain.

"Nellie, your head." I spoke, I was shocked at the amount of blood that flooded her hair and dripped down her forehead I took off my scarf and wiped the blood from her skin. She winced as she seemed unsteady. I could see her eyelids closing slowly and I immediately shook her. "Tell me, how are you feeling" I asked her as she made an effort to look up to me, as a result she almost fell forward.

"Like- Like a bucket of roses was poured on me." She replied and snorted through her giggle, she was so witty and charming even now. I was to tell her to be serious when the mine tunnels sounded to crack.

"Nellie listen to me. I need you to hug me around my back." I requested as I placed my back pack on the front of my chest. I kneeled in front her. Nellie seemed to respond as I felt her weight shift on me. I reached on my back and wrapped her arms around my neck as her legs were on my waist. "Good girl, now please can you talk to me?" I asked and then stood up. She was taller than she looked, I could feel her shallow breaths as her chest moved against my back. She laid her head on my shoulder as her hair fell on my arm, tickling my skin as I walked to the ladder.

"Am I your good girl?" Nellie asked me, her voice sounded shallow and raspy as I felt her grip tighten both over my waist and over my neck the moment I started climbing. This meant that even if she had a concussion it was a mild one she had sense of her environment and situation.

"I meant the last message I sent Nellie" I responded, I didn't want to speak to maintain my energy for until I climb to the surface, therefore it was impossible to not reply to her.

"I like the way my name sounds with your voice" Nellie remarked and a moment alter I felt her fingers slowly stroke my neck, her face moved slowly on the crook of my neck hiding it in there, her cold face made me shiver as I was feeling scorching warm.

"And I like the way your fingers touch my skin" I replied with a heavy breath. We were half way, I expected her to reply, however Nellie didn't speak I felt her grip loosen. I quickly hooked my elbow to the shaft and held her arm over my shoulder. "Nellie!" I exclaimed and tried to shake her. I felt my prior stress blossoming into panic. Just in the potential of dropping her I felt my knees go numb.

"Sorry, sorry, I am here" Nellie exclaimed back seconds later but those seconds seemed an eternity to me.

"Thank god, you gave me a scare... Can you please talk to me while I climb?" I requested and stroked her hand as she got a hold of me once again.

"Uh sure, I didn't lie you know?" Nellie spoke. "I am from a city near by called Hillsview town, it is on the mountains above Duskwood. I normally live in Cambridge, studying forensic science, I came here cause my sister is a major here." She explained, her tone was apologetic.

"Really, United Kingdom is rather far." I commented, I only realized now that we were so close to each other we have been this whole time.

"Last semester is the next one. I am taking my degree." Nellie spoke, I could sense her pride. I imagined she was a straight A student, she did have the wit and intelligence of one.

"That is nice. Do you have any plans?" I asked her, I forgot our situation and this chitchat, truly calmed me down, made the climb easier even.

"That depends on you Jake." Nellie replied. "My head is getting heavier." She informed me as she placed it on my shoulder again. "I feel so- so dizzy."

"Hey hey Nellie, we are almost up" I spoke and I increased the rhythm of climbing as I could feel her limbs start turning loose, it felt like time was passing by slowly, I could feel her slipping away, her fingers gripping my shirt in an effort to keep herself hung on me. Thankfully I reached top and got her wrist. "Nellie!" I exclaimed loudly as she hanging to the void. She was unconscious and I could tell now. I was staring down trying to brainstorm a way to get up there when I saw a shadow over my head.

"This Duskwood police chief, Alan Bloomgate." He identified himself and I felt a shot of relief.

"Sir, I have the girl, Nellie, she is unconscious, and I could really use your help." I explained quickly and the officer seemed to take me seriously and I couldn't feel more glad. Not for a moment I was scared of the FBI may get me. I was grateful she would be safe within seconds. I pulled her by the wrist as much as I could and Bloomgate leaned over me and took a hold of her body.

"You know the FBI is here, I believe you are the target?" He asked me, it was unexpectedly straightforward question.

"Positive" I replied almost immediatelly as he was getting Nellie outside. I followed him by climbing. I kneeled next to her checking her pulse. I took off my jacket and wrapped her body with it, she was freezing.

"If I were you I would leave, do not worry about her. I will have an ambulance and notify the rest of your friendgroup, Take Nellie's bike I am sure she will not mind." Bloomgate spoke and I nodded. I didn't say anything I only planted a kiss on her head before I took off running to the point he highlighted. I felt like a coward, I wished I was there with her, protect her, help her recover. I realized how many little details of her I am ignorant of, like what she likes, and what she was studying. But if I stayed now a future with her would be out of the question as I would only be a prisoner of the Feds...

I fled.

A/N: Hey there, i wish everyone a happy new year. Thank you for reaching the fic here and for still reading. I appreciate it more than you can imagine. I appreciate your feedback your thoughts and also your suggestions. I know commenting can be a bit stressful but if you have a thought please share it :)

I hope you have a great day or night.

see you!!!

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