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‼️⚠️ This is a warning some chapters may contain is the act of smut, self-harm, threats, abuse and more. Please read at your own risk, if you do not feel comfortable with this please leave immediately. I do not wish for anyone to feel uncomfortable during the story, there will be warnings before any actions should take place, and there will also be warnings to let you know it ended. ⛔️‼️
If you understand all of the texts above proceed.

Flashback - {}
Thinking - ()
Talking - ""
Actions -**
Me - ||


||Dd and Ddot were watching a movie while Kentrell pulled Nicholas into another room||

"What's yo problem with me dude? We just met" Kentrell asked looking Nicholas up and down "I don't know what you talking about little boy" Nicholas replied he's comment made Kentrell mad "I ain't no Little boy" he whispered into Nicholas ear who was pinned against the door "ok ok damn, you to close" Nicholas said mad but on the inside he felt something different "whatever you say baby" Kentrell comment made Nicholas blush and go quiet "but am a catch you tomorrow, bye" Kentrell said walking away leaving Nicholas in confusion


ℋ𝒶𝓇𝓁ℯ𝓂,𝒩ℯ𝓌 𝒴ℴ𝓇𝓀| 𝒟𝒹 𝓂𝒶𝓃𝓈𝒾ℴ𝓃
𝒩ℴ𝓋 3, 2019
7:48 𝓅𝓂

𝒩𝒾𝒸𝒽ℴ𝓁𝒶𝓈 𝓅ℴ𝓋:

I was sitting in the game room with ddot, he was chilling on his phone while I was thinking .....I was thinking about what happened earlier with Kentrell, he is sexy, tall, and his voice just makes me want to surround myself to him~.

But I try to forget about it by playing on the PS5, me and Ddot were playing games all night long until we realized it was wayyy past 9 a clock. And the boys still weren't here yet making us- I mean Ddot worry a bit he tried calling Dd but he didn't answer making him panic more, he began biting his nail and pacing the room.

"Dd calm down, he's probably just busy.." I said softly trying to calm him down but it didn't work. "But, Nick, he promised he'll be back at 9 or at least around 9. It's fucking 11:15!" he shouted making me sigh (this boy really is obsessed with him 🤦🏽‍♀️) I thought well watching him pace back and front

"Just lay down, I'll let you know when they're here..." I said before pulling Ddot towards his and Dd room "go to sleep I mean it!" I said sounding like a mom (and I'm proud of it 😌). After I put Ddot in his room I headed towards the kitchen and began fixing some food.

After I was finished eating I headed towards the living room to chill and eat......I was just sitting on my phone relaxing listening to music until I thought I saw something passing through in the hallway making me paused the movie I was watching, I slowly got of the couch and walked slowly towards the hallway but i didn't see anything.

I went to check on Ddot only to find him sleeping, causing my heart to beat faster than normal. I walked in the room locking the door behind me. I quickly ran towards Ddot shaking him from his sleep " Yo! Yo! Ddot get the fuck up!" I whispered shouted "Mm~what?" He asked "I think there's someone in the house..." after I said that he went quiet "what the fuck you mean...are the others back?" He asked while getting out of bed and grabbing a knife and some pepper spray

"No damn it and it's 1 sum in the morning" I said, grabbing Ddot's phone and beginning the calling but he didn't answer, making me furious. "He is not answering, and we can't call the police" I said "right, I forgot we are in a house full of weapons and drugs" he said walking towards the bedroom door.

"Uhm I'm not leaving and neither are you" I said pulling him back "so we wait it out?" He asked "yes" I replied.......Me and Ddot sat in the room trying to be as quiet as possible everything was quiet...to quiet. By 3:30 we began hearing someone bang on the door "I know you're in there open up sweet!!" We began to shake to scared to get close to the door

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