Form An Understanding.

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The whole gang gathered around Smg3 to analyze the issue at hand after the sun finally rose.

"So you're telling me that Smg3's possessed and he wasn't trying to hump you?" Mario stared at me with pure confusion. "Mario.. Just shut up." I groaned at Mario's stupidity before Meggy spoke up. "Smg3 seemed fine when I last saw him.. What the heck happened to him? Does anyone know?" The whole gang shrugged before staring at the soulless Smg3. "It was pretty obvious that Smg3 was avoiding Smg4 until.. recently..." Luigi mumbled. "{[Well。。before then、you were with him the most over the last few days。 Right, Smg4? surely you've noticed abnormal behaviour from him during that time?]}" Saiko turned to me as she folded her arms.

Everyone else nodded in agreement. "W-well, yeah.. He was acting a bit strange right after we revisited Marty's casino.. Then... He stopped talking to me completely after I took him out to McDonald's. But I swear I didn't do anything to make him react this way." I explained myself before turning to Meggy. "Hm.. Well, he seems to be in the same state as you when you got possessed.. Dontcha think..?" Meggy pointed out the similarity of that regrettable incident whilst Mario nodded in agreement, everyone else sorta just shrugged, since they thankfully didn't see what went down that day..

I wished to forget about it... but all my actions always have serious consequences... "I-I don't care what state he's in, I just want him back to normal." I eagerly stressed about the current problem at hand as I turned back to Smg3. "Since he's probably in the same state as you were... Maybe you have an idea of how he got this way in the first place?" Meggy attempted to put two and two together before shrugging at me for an answer. I looked around nervously at the gang, hesitant to confess my moment of weakness. But Smg3's safety was at stake, and I knew I had to be honest.

I recalled the distasteful memories I had hoped to have left behind back at the castle.. "So uhm.. I-I remember... I saw a wacky TV logo and suddenly it offered me a keyboard to make the perfect video...." I mumbled to the gang, avoiding further details and hoping that they wouldn't have a frustrated outburst at me. "DuDe? yOu'Re TeLlInG mE a sTuPid TV pnG iS tHe rEaSoN We lOsT thE cAsTlE? BrO, tHaT's hIlArIoUs--" Bob began to laugh before quickly getting whacked in the head by Saiko. "{[If you don't have anything smart to say、don't say it at all。]}" Saiko gritted her teeth in vexation.

"Smg4. You said you saw a TV logo?" Meggy perked upwards. "Y-yeah..?" I scratched the back of my head in confusion. "Awesome! No- not 'awesome', bad.. But good. We've got ourselves a pinpoint of connection!" Meggy sparked with triumph. "I've seen the same logo when we ran into One Shot Wren, but this situation is different." "Oooooh... Marty mentioned a TV logo when Mario was in the slammer. I think.." Mario trailed off. Meanwhile, my point of focus never dispersed from Smg3. "..You guys think he saw it too?" I asked a very pointless question as it seemed like we all knew the answer before glancing at everyone, they all nodded cautiously and I reacted with a heavy sigh.

"So... How're we going to turn him back to normal?" I frowned, fixing my gaze at Smg3 once more.
"Well Smg3 saved you by talking some sense into you but in this case, the situation is.. vaguely different." Meggy shrugged once again. "If it weren't for him, I would've-.... We'll figure out a way to get him back to normal. We have to.." I walked over to Smg3 and pulled him up on his feet. "SoUnDs lIkE a yOu tHiNg anD nOt A 'wE' ThInG.." Bob grumbled and flinched as Saiko raised her fist up swiftly. "Bob might actually be on to something here. It's time for me to take charge and solve this problem myself." I unfortunately agreed with Bob before pulling Smg3 into my room. "Mario's going to watch Smg4 be miserable!" Mario announced as he followed behind me. The whole group shrugged and continued with their day.

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