Meggy's Way.

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"What do you think you're doing?"

'-That voice. Could it be?'
I immediately turned back to Smg3 in pure shock after hearing his voice I noticed that he was somehow finally back to normal. "Three!? Is that really you..!?" my voice was shaky as I cried out for him. "Yeah.. I-I guess I sorta lost it there but I think I've finally come to my senses now-" I hugged Smg3 with tears rolling down my cheeks. "...Why would I want anything else in the world.. When I have you." I swiftly pulled away from the hug from shock.. 'I don't think he noticed how loud he whispered that... Maybe he wanted me to hear that..?' I couldn't help but stare at Smg3 wide-eyed "Dude, you feeling alright?" I mumbled. "Well yeah..! I-I don't think I wanted to kill you in the first place... Y'know because we're... We're friends." Smg3 started to cry too but he quickly wiped his tears away. "Goddammit, Four. Don't tell me you were really going to die for me.." Smg3 pulled me by the collar.
"F-fine, I won't tell you then..." my eyes widened again as Smg3 suddenly pulled me into yet another hug.
"You're such a dumbass.."

I smiled and hesitated before speaking again but decided to open to him anyways.. "....You know.. I can't stop thinking that this is all my fault..
I mean it definitely is, I was stupid enough to think that a dumb keyboard would make the perfect video
And look where it lead to.. I'm so sorry, Three..."
"It's not your fault, Four. That thing.. It preys on people when they least expect it and it brings out the worst in us, and for what!? useless desires..!" I stared at Smg3 as he laid down. "...So um could you maybe.. Take these goddamn ropes off of me!" "O-oh right! Whoops."
Smg3 sat up so I could untie the rope from around him, he sat and stared into my eyes which sorta distracted me, I glanced up at him twice before locking my eyes on his.

The way he looked at me, it was as if he was admiring me.. And for some unknown reason, I felt my heart skip a beat. As I finally released him from the rope that was containing him, It was as if he had something to say, until Mario suddenly arrived. "SEE MARIO KNEW HE WOULD FIX SMG3!!" Mario's scream startled the both of us causing me and Smg3 to scream in unison.
"UGH, MARIO!" The two of us screamed at Mario in harmony again before Meggy approached Smg3 and I. "Oh, thank goodness you guys are good now! Great. Smg3 can you please tell me how you got... Possessed?" Meggy immediately skipped straight to the point.
"Oh? Uhm right, okay.... W-well I didn't think anything of it but I saw a familiar symbol on Marty's Pc and it gave me a... bargain.. I thought about the offer for quite a while but I just couldn't do it.. I couldn't- but... when I came to my senses it was too late.. I...I didn't want to kill Four... For once." Smg3 explained before Meggy immediately got excited. "AHA!" she exclaimed before whipping out her crazy board full of theories. Needles and connecting threads were bombarded onto it but I was more confused about was where she pulled the board out from...
Meggy then began to mumble to herself as she connected more threads to the board. "Meggy's gone coo-coo crazy but basically she actually wants to talk to Marty!" Mario perked up in excitement as he was seemingly excited for Meggy to embrace the fact that he has a cardboard cutout for a friend. "I haven't gone crazy Mario! We need Marty's help to solve this very important investigation." Meggy quickly glanced at Mario before covering his ears. "I actually didn't tell him that I need Marty for an I-N-T-E-R-R-O-G-A-T-I-O-N.."
I looked at Meggy with a confused expression "Wouldn't you need--"
"Why the hell did you spell out interrogation?" Smg3 abruptly cut me off, giving Meggy a very concerned look. "What're you guys talking about?" Mario stared at us cluelessly "Oh nothing! Don't worry about it, Mario." Meggy chimed as she quickly pushed Mario to the side. "Mario can't spell." She whispered. "Oh.. Well, that makes sense." Smg3 shrugged. "That's why Luigi usually spells S-P-A-G-H-E-T-T-I so Mario doesn't get excited." "Hey! Are you guys whispering about me?" Mario raised his eyebrow at us. "Nope! Anyways that's besides the point. I feel like I'm this close to understanding this TV logo fiasco and Marty's one step closer to unravelling this mystery." Meggy continued. "H-how can you be so sure..?" I mumbled. Meggy then quickly slammed her palm against her board of theories and grumbled at me "I'm the only one who would be sure since I'm the only one trying to solve this mystery." "F-fair enough.." I stuttered sheepishly while Meggy glared at me shortly before pulling up Smg3 and I to our feet. "But um wouldn't you need to have Mario translate Marty's... Cardboardy Silence??" I questioned. "Well.. You've spoken to Marty before right?-"
"Yeah.. Like once? Listen, just give Mario a plate of spaghetti afterwards."
"Ughh finee." Meggy groaned. "Alright, gang let's go and acquaint ourselves with our lovely cardboard friend...!" Meggy lied through her teeth before turning around hastily and leading the way to Marty, we proceeded to follow after her.

As we began our trek back to the Showgrounds, I couldn't shake the feeling of a pair of eyes on me. I turned only to notice Smg3 staring back at me with a concerned expression. ".. H-Hey um, Four? I know a lot just happened in like just a day but I-I just want to make sure you're okay... You..-- I didn't hurt you or anything did I?" I stared at Smg3 completely dumbfounded, it seemed like the first time he'd asked me how I was and didn't sound overly sarcastic and snarky. "Uh- oh, yeah, I'm good." I responded nonchalantly before noticing Mario suddenly creeping behind me. "Mario you're making it weird." I sighed which immediately made him frown.

Eventually, we made it back to the Showgrounds. We quickly approached Mario's little pizza shack, easily finding Marty working hard, working hard as in staying eerily still while the oven was on with a pizza baking inside of it. Meggy made a mischievous expression and suddenly the lights turned off and back on, we were now in an interrogation room. "What the-- MEGGY HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!" Meggy simply rolled her eyes at me before slamming the desk in front of her with her hand, scaring everyone in the room.. Including Marty..? I guess? "Listen here, Marty. I'm gonna jump straight to the point here and ask you; Who the hell are you working for?" Meggy asked menacingly, right before Mario quickly threw her off her bad cop act. "Mario thought you finally wanted to be friends with Marty..." Mario frowned. "Why must-a people always want stuff from Marty--" "You're one to talk, Mario. You literally made him just because you wanted to get your ass away from work. You had him working for our income since his very existence." "Yeah! As much as I'd hate to agree with Smg4, he's right." Smg3 heavily agreed with my argument to Mario's self-contradiction. Which caused us both to start arguing with Mario before Meggy started yelling at all of us.

While we were bickering about this whole ordeal, I noticed a poorly written note lying on the table. "Wait a damn seconds, guys!!! What's that?" I pointed it out and Meggy inspected it. "I... I can't read this." She passed the note to Smg3 to which he immediately shoved it away from him. "Well don't give it to me! What makes you think I'd be able to read that." "Aren't therapists basically doctors? Wouldn't you be able to read those doctor's prescriptions?" I wondered. "Naur!? I have regular handwriting, even I can't read those." Smg3 quickly snapped back at me. After at least two seconds of silence, the three of us slowly turned to Mario. I sighed, "Sadly you're our last hope to translate this right now." my remark made Mario take the sheet of paper off me confidently, he squinted at the page before actually saying something smart,
"It's.. It's-a address."

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