| Chapter 9 | ~ Wrestlemania 32

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No One

Octavia Knight was preparing for her big match, later on tonight. She was defending her title against Sasha Banks, Charlotte, and Becky Lynch.

She's faced all of these females before but now it's at Wrestlemania and none of the four women have shown even the slightest of underestimation upon one another.

Octavia had been receiving tons of love, messages, advice, and support from the companies legends.

Especially her mother, father, her step-grandparents, her step-mother, The Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and many others.

Now, everyone was watching the kick off. Lita had just came out and was standing next to a table that had a red cloth on it.

"And later on tonight, in a triple threat.. we will see "The Queen", Charlotte..." Lita trails off as the fans cheer.

"The Irish Lass Kicker, Becky Lynch.." Lita continues and the fans cheer louder.

"The Boss, Sasha Banks.." Lita continues as the fans cheer again.

"And last, but certainly not least... we will see the champion.. The Wild One, Octavia Knight!" Lita says and the fans erupted.

Octavia smirks as she stretched.

"Those four women have been very instrumental in this next evolution of women in this business, the divas revolution. They are so much more than divas, here in this ring today. They are all WWE Superstars. So it is with my great honor, to let you guys tonight, the winner of the triple threat will be the recipient of the first ever WWE Women's Championship." Lita says then pulls the cloak off of the table.

And there it is. The first ever WWE Women's Championship. Determination and admiration on the face of Octavia Knight. She needed to win that title and let go of the divas championship.

"Octavia, if you're listening to this.. I know you're gonna win tonight. I'm so proud of you as I know everyone else is. You've got this, kiddo." JBL says into the camera and the headset.

"I know I do. I've got my family and my boys on my side." Octavia says, thinking of Dean, Roman, her parents, the legends.. even Seth.

~ later ~

No One

Backstage, Octavia took deep breaths as her time approached. She had her mother, her father, Dean, and Roman there.

Octavia was extremely nervous and she has been clinging to Jon's hand.

A tear fell down Octavia's eye and her mother quickly wiped it.

"Your father and I are so proud of you, honey. You go out there and you have fun." Chyna says.

"You give it your all, no matter the outcome.. cuz you will always be our champion." Triple H says.

Octavia nods and hugs her parents before turning to her boys.

"You got this, babygirl. Don't let the fear pull you down. I know you're afraid of letting everyone down.. but you've got this. We're all here." Roman says as he and Octavia hug.

"I know. Kinda wish he was here.. just cause he usually is for big matches. Even if it's from a distance. And I do still care for him." Octavia says.

"I know you do.. and he is here. You know that. He's probably hiding around here somewhere." Roman says.

Octavia chuckles and they pull away. Octavia then turns to her fiancé, Dean Ambrose, who held the hand of their 1 year old son, Jaxon Owen-Joseph Good.

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