The Shadows Within Us All pt 2

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"Peter? Peter? Are you ok?"

Peter awoke to a voice trying to wake him up. It sounded frantic and familiar, he slowly opened his eyes and blinked,

one blink,

two blinks,

three blinks,

and there before him stood...

"Tony?" Peter was sure his eyes were deceiving him, "why are you here? I thought you were... um, y'know..." he whispered the last part "dead". Tony looked at him, confusion in his eyes..

"Dead?NI'm not dead Peter"

"No, you died, you can't deceive me. no one can, not since" He caught his breath.

"Since..?" Tony questioned.

"Since, uh never mind it's dumb." Peter mumbled.

"Peter, nothing about you is dumb." Tony looked at him with loving eyes.

"I- okay. I'll tell you" Peter started to explain what had happened all because of beck. After he finished Tony's eyes started soften. He opened his arms for a hug.

"Mr stark? Is this a hug?"

"Yes peter, yes it is." As the two embraces Tony whispered into Peter's ear, "After every thing that happened to you, I can't believe... you were so gullible."


Tony's eyes turned a deep maroon, his teeth sharped, and then... he turned into a shadow. "Why couldn't you save me Peter? You think you're so cool in that suit of yours but let me tell you something, you're just playing dress up, you don't know what sacrifices are. YOU ARE JUST A DUMB LITTLE KID. COME ON PETER."

Peter woke up in a cold sweat, the room around was white, too white, it blinded him, hurt his head. It reminded him of purity and goodness, unlike him. He tried to stand up and felt a pain in his knee. He then saw some IV's sticking out of him, he ripped them out and stumbled to the door, limping. One of the doctors rushed in as he tried to escape. "Spider-man, please don't do this. We just want to help"

"I don't need your help" he growled. "I don't need anyone's help!"

Peter bolted towards the window. He turned to his side as he jumped out the window. The glass shattered with a satisfying crunch. He webbed away and barely made it to his apartment before running out of web fluid. "Dang it. Guess I'll have to restock later" he muttered to himself. As he entered into his house his cat (Ginger) rubbed in between his legs.

"Hey Ginger." The cat meowed back. Peter suddenly felt woozy. he stumbled to the couch then feel down, into the deep dark unconsciousness in front of him. When peter awoke in his dream, he saw ben, may, tony, ned, Mj, the kid from the hospital, and his parents. He could see that there was blood covering them.

"This is our blood peter, our blood that is on your hands. this is your fault. We died because of you, we forgot you because of you, we were dissapointed by you peter." The said in unision. "we trusted you peter, how could you."

As soon as peter woke up he sat up quickly and he launched the cat off of him who had been sleeping on his chest. As he looked at his hands he saw it again... blood. Blood of his family, friends, and mentors. He ran to the shower and scrubbed, he scrubbed and he scrubbed but it still wouldn't get off. Only when his skin turn bright pink from scrubbing did it start to come of. He peeled layer after layer of skin off. Soon the only blood left was his own. He sighed in relief. A moment of peace at last... peace.

But what was the on his leg? More blood? He scrubbed and scrubbed, peeled and peeled, scratched and scratched. His own blood soaked the water. ore blood from the other kept just showing up, soon he began confusing his blood with others! A dark light began to take over him... and then all he saw was light.


Btw i wrote this in 28 minutes im so proud lol

@Scout_Nuggetthis is the last chapter 4 the contest

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