Chapter 53

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Purpled woke up in the middle of the hermit cuddle pile. He still couldn't believe that he was off that server and never going back. Hopefully. Everyone else was also off the server, so he didn't have to worry about them anymore. He carefully moved Grian's wing off of him, and still had to take Scar's arms off of him.

He heard an almost silent chuckle and looked up. Keralis had his communicator out and took a picture. "You seem to be stuck, sweetheart. Do you want some help?" he said with a knowing smile on his face. Purpled rolled his eyes, but nodded.

Keralis carefully made his way through the tangle of limbs spread across the floor. Keralis looked to the side and saw a pillow that he had used earlier. He grabbed it and careduly helped unwrap Scar's arms from Purpled and onto the pillow instead.

Once Purpled was free he made his way through the crowd behind Keralis. They walked to the kitchen. "How are you feeling this morning?" Keralis asked. Purpled shrugged, he honestly didn't know.

"I mean I feel physically okay, but I'm paranoid, even though there isn't any reason behind it. You know what I mean?" he asked. Keralis nodded his head. Purpled motioned for him to go on.

Keralis sighed, "I've been feeling the same way lately. Especially with this entire situation. I don't like the fact that something has gotten past Shashwammy's firewalls more than once."

Purpled nodded, showing that he also agreed. He went to Keralis's fridge to see if he had anything good that he could make for breakfast for everyone. "What are you looking for?" Keralis asked as he suddenly appeared next to Purpled.

Purpled jumped, not having heard him move closer. "Keralis, don't scare me like that," he said, hand on his heart in dramatics. Keralis just smiled. "Also, do you have any good breakfast foods like sausages or cereal?"

Keralis pushed Purpled to the side and rummaged through his fridge. It didn't take lon for him to produce sausage, eggs, fruit, and milk. "Here it is. I also have some mix for pancakes or waffles if we need a lot."

Purpled thought about something. He looked over at Keralis, "Is it okay for everyone to meet here and have breakfast?" By saying everyone, Purpled also meant all the members of the Dreamsmp. Dogchamp chose that moment to wander into the kitchen.

"Yea, that's fine with me. The more the merrier," Keralis said. Purpled smiled and thanked him. He grabbed a bowl out of the cabinet and filled it with water before placing it on the ground for both Dogchamp and Jellie, who just walked in.

He stood up and realized that Keralis already had all of the utensils that would be used out of the cabinets. Purpled looked at Keralis in disbelief. He had only looked away for a few seconds. He didn't even hear any cabinets open. Keralis only smiled and didn't provide an explanation.

Purpled shook his head and laughed. He cut the sausage while Keralis whipped up some pancake mix. They worked in a comfortable silence with only the sizzling of the eggs interrupting the quiet. Purpled reached for his communicator, but realized he didn't have it and groaned in annoyance. Keralis looked up at him. "What's wrong?"

Purpled ran his hand down his face. "I was going to message Eret to tell them that everyone's invited for breakfast, but I don't have my communicator."

"That's it," Keralis said and Purpled nodded. "You can use mine. It's on the coffee table in the living room."

"Thank you," Purpled said, before walking out of the kitchen. He quietly made his way into the living room. He walked over and around the pile of limbs to make it to the coffee table. He looked at the mess of communicators on the table and his face scrunched in annoyance.

He heard a quiet laugh to his side. He whipped his head to the side and saw that X was awake. "What's got you so annoyed already," he said. Even though the helmet was on, he could tell that he was smiling.

Purpled in HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now