⚘Head Pats

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~Head Pats~


Megumi lays on his bed, feeling tired from his mission. He groans from stress.

"Fushiguro?" Called Yuji outside his room door.
"Fushiguro, I heard you're back..!!!" He added.

"What do you want?" He said, not loud but clearly annoyed.

"Ah-- I just want to say hi to Fushiguro-san..." Yuji pouted his lips, he doesn't like it when Megumi answers back like that.

"Just go, I'm tired" Said Megumi.

"No, unless you let me in" Demanded Yuji.

Out of annoyance, Megumi stood up and opens his door. Yuji smiled.
"I hate you" Said Megumi.

"Hate you too" Replied Yuji, stepping in his room and sits on the soft mattress.

"Get out, I want to rest" Megumi said.

"'Rest' and your in your uniform"

"I'm just damn tired Yuji"

"It's really rare for you to call me Yuji y'know" He chuckles before Megumi opens a shadow which he fell into.

Megumi then drops himself on his bed as Yuji gets transferred to the corner of the room.


"I'm tired."

Yuji seemed irritated. He then crawls over to the bed and just laid his head on the mattress.

"What are you doing?" Asked Megumi, looking at the pinkish haired who's burying his face on the bed.

"Bored." Pouted Yuji, looking up to the Shikigami user.

Megumi just sighed and pets Yuji's hair. Yuji felt rather comfortable, feeling Megumi's hand on his head.

"This feels nice..." Said Yuji, blushing quite a bit.

"Oh really?" Megumi said. He sits up and gestures the pinkie to sit on his lap.

Yuji was a bit hesitant first. But he ended up going on the bed just to sit on the older's lap.

"Face here" Commanded Megumi, his tone was soothing to Yuji's ears.

Yuji was flushed and embarrassed. Megumi giving him orders like some kind of pet? He felt like he should get out of this situation knowing how embarrassing this can be.

Yuji slowly turned to Megumi with his body facing to the other. Megumi gently wraps his arm on Yuji's waist and the other, patting his head.

Yuji felt good. The gentle head pats that Megumi is giving him, it felt so nice. He can feel his face burning up from his flusteredness.

'Cute...' Thought Megumi.
He slowly pressed his lips against Yuji's. Yuji was taken aback,  he fluttered his eyes closed, feeling Megumi's lips.

The kiss was later broken after a few seconds with Megumi smiling and a flustered Yuji. The older continues to pat the pinkie's head, feeling relaxed. Yuji just rested his head on his shoulder.

"This feels nice..." Yuji said in a soft and quiet tone, looking up to the Shikigami user with his bright yellow eyes.

Megumi planted a kiss on his forehead saying "I love you".

"I love you too" Replied Yuji, enjoying the moment he has with Megumi.


Head pats<333

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