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Yuji lightly breaths in his sleep. Megumi's here, hugs his boyfriend's body by the back. His hands on his waist, holding him close to his body.

Basically Megumi being the big spoon and Yuji being the small spoon.

Yes indeed their cute.

Megumi watches his dear pinkie sleeping peacefully. He smiles, ruffling his messy fluffy hair.

Yuji shuffles, slowly fluttering his eyes open. Megumi was taken a back for a bit and puts his hand back on Yuji's waist.

Yuji yawned, rubbing his eyes. He looks down to see Megumi's arms wrapped around his waist. He flushed pink, and looks at the raven.

"Gumi!?" Yuji said out loud.

Megumi just furrowed his eyebrows and gave Yuji a look. He pulls Yuji closer, letting out a low groan and buries his head on Yuji's shoulder.

"Megumi, was this about earlier? About the woman..." Yuji murmured.

"Mmm..." Megumi groaned.

"Megumi, c'mon... It's probably dinner time right now..." Yuji said, trying to get out of the hug.

He pouts.

"No, what mine is mine." Megumi stated.


"Where's Megumi and Yuji?" Gojo asked, looking at Nobara who's just sitting on the couch eating instant cup noodles. Watching K-Drama.

Nobara chews the hot steamy noodles and points towards Megumi's door. Gojo just shrugged at walks towards Megumi's room.

He stands infront of the door. He sighed and holds the doorknob, about to open it.


Gojo stopped for a bit. He looks at the door for a bit with a tilted head.

He sighed and finally opens the door.

"Gumi, what are you—"

He sees Megumi hugging Yuji tightly.

The two lovebirds froze, seeing Gojo standing infront of them. Megumi let's out a low growl and hugs Yuji tighter.

"Gojo-sensei help!!!" Yuji cries out, trying to get out of Megumi's tight embrace.

Gojo there, let's out a giggle seeing the stubborn boy whom he raised became so clingy.
"Megumi I didn't know your like your wolves!!" He laughed out.

"Shut up."


•Requested by: XxCarieXD
Next chapter will be another Requested one!!!
Ilysm everyone!!<33
344 words ✨

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