Chapter 2

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"I was lying on the floor one night. but all of a sudden, I heard someone crying and woke up. My mother was there. While sobbing, she conversed with my father.

"I can't feed my children because the food is getting over," my mother remarked. Furthermore, Bilwa, our younger son, is an additional strain to our family because he is blind. I'm not sure what transgression I committed in the past, but God is punishing me nonetheless." I took her words to heart and made the decision to leave my house that very evening.

I eventually got up and left my house. It's pouring rain outside already. I visited the closest lake. There's a peepal tree by that lake. I took a seat beneath the peepal tree . I stayed there under that tree for many days.

One day, when I was rehearsing my bhajans, a man approached and stopped me. He told them to get out of here as this place is his. He also cautioned me from singing any bhajans. I politely declined him. He struck me with his stick. I eventually lost consciousness. and I was thrown at some other place. Eventually, an enigmatic elderly man appeared and saved my life. and instructed me  to go back to Ranuktha." 

When I thanked the elderly man and inquired about his identity, he grinned and said, "You will find out soon."

I Left that place and headed towards Ranuktha.

I asked the saints I met in Ranuktha if I might accompany them as they were traveling by. I was invited to join their group. I started my bhajans there with other saints and I was so delighted."

Bilwamangala halted his narrative. Chintamani fell in love with Bilwamangala. "Ha, at last I could find you Bilwamangala, I was searching you from two years," a man said as he suddenly came there. "I'm going to kill you right now."

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