Chapter - 3

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"Good to meet you, Kanishk," remarked Bilwamangala, acknowledging his voice. With his knife drawn, Kanishk is on the verge of murdering Bilwamangala. Then he was halted by Chintamani. Being a wealthy prostitute, Chintamani provided Kanishk a sack full of gold coins and told him to depart, promising never to come again. Kanishk grabbed the sack and walked out of that place. Chintamani then asked Bilwamangala to carry on with the story.

"One day, a battle broke out between our kingdom and a neighboring kingdom. My brothers killed the army general in the war by fighting valiantly."

Finally, every one of my brothers perished in the conflict. I was brought the news. I shed tears for them. I wanted to kill the one who killed my brothers, but I couldn't since I'm blind.

I was once abruptly shoved into a well while retrieving water from it. I realized that Kanishk was the one who shoved me down the well when I heard him laughing as I was drowning in the well. He claimed to be the army general's relative and that he was seeking revenge for his cousin's passing.

I prayed to Lord Krishna for help. Lord Krishna arrived to help me right away. Grasping my hand, Krishna hauled me out of the well. Krishna started to move away as soon as I emerged from the well. Tears entered my eyes as soon as I realized Krishna had touched me in a divine manner.

I was also met by Radha Rani. The ting-a-ling sound of Radha Rani's anklets helped me to recogise her. I grabbed her anklets as I collapsed onto her lotus feet.i refused to return Radha Rani's anklets when she requested me to. Lord Krishna then invited me to make a wish after giving me the vision in my eyes. i  made three boon requests. i requested exclusive devotion for the first boon, the destruction of my adversaries for the second boon, and "I should never be able to see anyone else with the eyes with which I have seen you" for the third boon. "It will be so," and "Your enemies will be destroyed by the Brahman clan of the South and you will be full of intelligence and learning," promised Shri Krishna. i gave the anklets back. I was given the names Surdas and Surshyam by Shri Krishna.I am now known as Shri Surdas. I then realised that Shri Krishna is the old man who saved me.

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