Matching Pajamas - Seven Craft

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Summary - Seven and Y/N decides to do matching pjs and go out tonight

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Summary - Seven and Y/N decides to do matching pjs and go out tonight

Warning - none

I decided to do matching pjs with Seven. Seven's been my girlfriend for five months now and it's been the best five months of my life.

I'm at the store right now, finding some pjs. I found some and they look amazing for the best of us. I grabbed her size and paid for them

I got in my car and start driving to Seven's house. I arrived and knocked on the door

She answered and jumped in my arms, I put my hands on her waist so she won't fall, we went inside

"Hi baby, I missed you" Seven said, "I missed you too" I said

"So what's in the bag?" Seven asked me, I got the pajama pants out

"Wanna match pjs?" I asked her

"Absolutely" Seven said with a smile, she kissed my cheek

We put on the pjs and start taking pictures, she gasps loudly

"What?" I said with kinda concern

"Let's go get some slurpees" Seven said excitedly

"Alright, let's go" I said, Seven grabs my hand and we got in my car and I start driving to the closest 711

We arrived and got out of the car and got slurpees and snacks and paid for them. We went outside and filming tiktoks and taking pictures and trades slurpees

Some people came up to Seven and asked her for pictures and she took pictures with them. They know her from BGC and Baddies ATL.

"Babe, you wanna go?" Seven asked me, I nodded and we got in my car and I start driving back to Seven's place

I place my hand on her thigh, she looked at me and smiled

Seven's POV
Y/N came to my house and I'm excited to see her because I haven't seen her in two weeks because she was out of town to visit her family but I couldn't come, I had to take care of my son and she understood. That's one thing I love about Y/N, she's very understanding.

She got us matching pjs and I loved it. We put them on and took some pictures and post them on my insta. Then we went to 711 and got some slurpees and snacks.

After paying for them, we went back outside and made some tiktoks and taking pictures and trading slurpees

Then a couple of girls came up to me and ask for a picture and I took pictures with them

"Babe, you wanna go" I asked Y/N, she nodded and we got in the car and I felt my girlfriend's hand on my thigh, I looked at her and smiled

"You look mad good when you drive" I said looking at her

She chuckles, "Thanks, baby" Y/N said with a smile

I start recording her, she looked at me for one second and shook her hand and smiled

"Seven, do you have to take a video of me?" Y/N asked me

"Hey, you're mine so why not?" I said, Y/N let out a laugh and rubbed my thigh

"I love you, Sev" Y/N said, I smiled at her

"I love you too, Y/N/N" I said

We arrived at my house and went to my room and laid down and found a good movie and put it on and ate some of the snacks we brought, I laid my head on Y/N's chest and she starts playing with my hair which kinda feel good

"How was your family?" I asked her, breaking the silence

"They're good, it was kinda crazy tho" Y/N said with a chuckle

"How?" I said looking up at her, "There were some alternations at the little reunion." Y/N said

"But not with you, right?" I asked her, she shook her head

"Good" I said with a smile, Y/N chuckles

"How you been tho?" Y/N said looking down at me

"I've been good, just a regular routine" I said, she nodded and kissed my head

"You're really beautiful, mama" Y/N said, making me blush

"Thank you, baby. You too." I said giving her a peck

"Thank you, my love" Y/N said, we finished the movie and I turned the tv off

"Goodnight, babe. I love you." I said, she smiled at me

"Goodnight, mama. I love you too." Y/N said and wrapped her arms around me and we fell asleep

A/N: I gotta do Seven because that's my girl. How do y'all feel about Seven? I love her! I'm gonna continue more imagines tomorrow so pls give me more requests. Hope y'all have a good day/night 🫀

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