My Gf - Persuasian

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Summary - Y/N visits Persuasian and Persuasian introduce Y/N to the baddies cast during filming

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Summary - Y/N visits Persuasian and Persuasian introduce Y/N to the baddies cast during filming

Warning - slight adult language

My girlfriend Persuasian is filming Baddies South, I'm not gonna lie, I miss her. Persuasian and I been together for a year now and I love her with all my heart. Me and her get on the phone everyday.

So I decided to visit her and she's in Charlotte right now. I got on the phone with Natalie earlier and she said it's fine for me to get to the house.

I packed my things and my friend drove me to the airport.

-time skip-

After my flight, I got a Uber and the lady took me to the house

"Thank you so much" I smiled at her, she gave me a smile and nodded

I grabbed my things and got out of the car, I knocked on the door and Natalie answered it

"Hey Y/N!" Natalie said and gave me a hug and I hugged her back and went inside and see some girls and I see my girlfriend

Persuasian looked at me and smiled excitedly and got out of her chair and jumped in my arms and I held her so she won't fall

"Hi baby" I said smiling, I put her down and she pulled away

"Hi babe, I missed you" Sua said, I gave her a kiss and she kissed me back

"I missed you too, ma" I said, she grabbed my hand

"Girls, this is my girlfriend Y/N. Y/N, this is Anne" Persuasian points at the brownskin girl

I waved at her and she waved back, Persuasian rolls her eyes. Does she have a problem with her or something?

"This is Slim" Persuasian points at the little skinny girl

"Hi" Slim said, I gave her a smile and waved

"This is Rollie" Persuasian points at the big girl, she waved at me and I waved back

"This is Chrisean" Persuasian points at the lightskin girl

I waved at Chrisean, she looked at me and smiled a little bit

"You pretty" Chrisean said

"Thank you" I said, Persuasian sighs

"Anyway, this is Jela" Persuasian points at the brownskin girl with a cute white outfit

"Hey" Jela said smiling, "Hey girl" I said smiling

"This is Bri" Persuasian said points at the white girl

"Hi" Bri said, I waved at her

"You already know Natalie. And lastly, this is Scotty" Persuasian said pointing at the mixed girl

"Hey" Scotty said, I waved at her

Persuasian's POV
I'm introducing Y/N to the girls and they seem to like her

"So Y/N, how did you and Persuasian met?" Chrisean asked

"We met at a restaurant and I was Persuasian's waitress and she gave me her number and we became close since then." Y/N explains

They nodded, "So Y/N, we're going out tomorrow night. You down to come with?" Natalie asked

"Yes" Y/N said, Natalie nods and after our meeting, I decided to go with my girlfriend to her hotel

-time skip and the next night-

Tonight, we going out. Y/N and I decided to go with Y/N

"Babe, how do you feel about the baddies?" I asked her

"They seem cool" she said driving and putting her hand on my thigh

"I got into a fight with Chrisean and Anne" I told her about my altercations

"Why?" Y/N asked me, "I told Chrisean that she don't clean up after herself and she snuck me. Then Anne had a problem with me for nothing." I explained to her

"Damn, do I need to beat their ass?" Y/N asked

I chuckled, "No, baby" I said, Y/N nodded and we arrived at the club and see the baddies twerking and drinking

"Y'all, check it out! It's Persuasian and Y/N!" Natalie yells and the crowd cheers

We waved at the crowd and turn up with the baddies, I start twerking on Y/N while she grinding on me

I wrapped my arm around Y/N's neck and kissed her and she kissed me back

She pulled away and smacked my ass, I smiled at her

"I love you, ma" Y/N said with a smile

"I love you too, baby" I said giving her another peck

A/N: This imagine kinda sucks, Happy New Year, y'all!! How y'all feel about Persuasian? She was alright on BGC but I don't know about her on baddies. Hope y'all have a good day/night 🫀

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