I'm Pregnant - Tommie Lee

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Summary - y/n had morning sickness and decides to take a pregnancy test and it came out positive

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Summary - y/n had morning sickness and decides to take a pregnancy test and it came out positive

Warning - slight adult language and pregnancy

I woke up, feeling a little sick. I got out of bed and was about to brush my teeth, then i feel myself about to throw up

I went to the toilet and threw up, then I heard my wife in the other room, calling my name

"Y/N, where you at, ma?" Tommie asked, she walked in the bathroom and see me on the floor

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Tommie asked me, holding my hair up

"I just feel sick outta nowhere" I said

Wait, am I pregnant?! I mean I missed my period as well but I never thought it

"Babe, can you buy me a pregnancy test?" I asked her

"You think you're pregnant?" Tommie asked

"Remember we went to the dressing room and fucked? What do you think?" I said rudely

"Alright you don't have to be rude" Tommie said with attitude, walking away

I sigh and I hear Tommie walking out of the house

Tommie's POV
I grabbed my jacket and went to the store and grabbed a pregnancy test for Y/N

I paid for it and went back to the house and went to our room and see Y/N in the bed, she got up and grabbed the test

"Thanks" Y/N said and went to the bathroom

"You want me to come in with you?" I asked her

"No, it's fine" Y/N said, she closed the door and I went to our bedroom

A few minutes later, I hear the bathroom door open and Y/N came to the bedroom with tears on her eyes and she sat down next to me

"What's wrong?" I asked her with concern

"Tommie, I'm pregnant" Y/N said, I was excited

"Oh my god" I said, Y/N start crying. I furrowed my eyebrows

"Is that bad?" I asked her

"What if I'm not gonna be a good mother?" Y/N asked

I understand what she's saying, when I was pregnant with my daughters, I thought I wouldn't be a good mom

"Baby, you're gonna be a good mom. You see how you treat your nieces and nephews? I promise you, I wouldn't lie to you. We're gonna get through this together. I love you." I said, she smiles at me and I kissed her and she kissed me back

"I love you too, Tommie" She said, I smiled at her

-9 months later-

It's been nine months since I've carrying this baby and I can't wait to get him or her out because he/she's been killing me

I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I was done, I felt a sharp pain in my fetus, then I see my water broke

"Tommie!" I yelled her name, she quickly walked in the bathroom

"What? What happened?" Tommie asked with panic

"My water broke. The baby's coming!" I said, Tommie grabs me and took me to the car and she start driving

"Hold on, mama. We almost at the hospital." Tommie said rubbing my stomach

I feel my baby kicking, I groaned. We finally arrived at the hospital and they quickly took me in and spread my legs

"Oh fuck!" I yelled in pain

"Alright, Y/N, honey, try to push for me" the nurse said

I tried to push harder, Tommie held my hand and I was gripping her shit

"Damn, Y/N, my hand" Tommie said

"Guess what? I'm pushing a baby out of my pussy, you piece of shit! My pain is worse than yours right now!" I yelled, Tommie chuckled

"Keep pushing for me, Y/N, you're doing so good" The nurse said

"Ahh" I groaned

"Fuck, get this damn baby off me!" I yelled in pain

"Keep pushing, mama" Tommie said

"I'm trying!" I yelled, I keep pushing until this baby come

"I see the head! Give me one more push, Y/N." The nurse said

I screamed and pushed harder, I hear my baby crying

I sigh in relief, the nurse got my baby. I start crying in joy.

"It's a boy!" The nurse said with a smile

"You did amazing, baby" Tommie said, she peck my lips

"You did very good, Y/N. Ma'am, do you wanna cut the cord?" The nurse asked Tommie

"Yes" Tommie said, she kissed my head and let go of my hand

After Tommie cut the cord, I can finally see my baby. The nurse placed my baby boy on my chest and he's so gorgeous

"Hi baby, I'm your mama. You're so handsome. You look just like your mom. Oh my firstborn, my baby." I said looking at Tommie

His cries stopped when he heard me talking to him, Tommie kissed our baby boy's head

"What's his name?" The nurse asked

"We're gonna name him Y/S/N" I said with a smile

"I love it, ma" Tommie said rubbing Y/S/N's little back. I touch Y/S/N's hand and his tiny fingers grip my finger

I start crying in happiness. I can't wait to see my son grow up. I'll always protect him, love him, care for him, and be there for him.

My firstborn, my baby. 💙

A/N: This is part two on the dressing room imagine. What would y'all name y'all son? I kinda cried while making this, ngl. Hope y'all have a good day/night 🫶🏽

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