Make You 'Come' Quick - ET

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Summary - You, Rollie, ET, and Scotty was in the car, Rollie and Scotty left y'all in the car alone and things got heated

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Summary - You, Rollie, ET, and Scotty was in the car, Rollie and Scotty left y'all in the car alone and things got heated.

Warning - adult language, little smut, fingering, dom!et, and sub!reader

Rollie and Scotty invited me to hang out with them. Scarface and I are in the back and Scotty's in the driver seat and Rollie's in the passenger seat

"Where we going?" I asked

"We going to the store." Rollie said, I nodded

We arrived there, Scotty and Rollie got out of the car and went inside

"This is so awkward" I said

"Kinda" ET said, a few minutes of silence, I took a sip of my (fav drink)

"You want some?" I asked her, she looked at me and shook her head

"Where's Rollie and Scotty? They taking too long." ET asked

"I don't know" I said, "Damn, I'm bored" ET said

"Me too" I said, ET looked at me and put her hand on my thigh and went higher and higher. ET and I aren't a couple but we messed around a few times

"Is this okay?" ET asked, I nodded and bit my lip

"I bet I can make you come quick" ET whispers in my ear

"You always do" I said with a moan, she unbuttoned my pants and start rubbing on my clit which made me moan

"Fuck" I moaned softly, ET kept looking at me and went a little faster

"ET" I moaned her name, she smiles at me and kept going and I felt two fingers inside me

I'm bored. Rollie and Scotty got out of the car and went inside of the store, leaving me and Y/N alone in the car. And they taking forever.

I'm hella bored. Y/N and I aren't a couple but we fucked a few times.

I put my hand on her thigh and went higher and higher and unbuttoned her pants, I start rubbing her clit and she was a moaning mess

I kept looking at her and she threw her head back and start moaning a little loud and she moans my name

"Yeah, moan my name, ma" I said, Y/N moans, she bucks her hips up and down. I put two fingers inside her and she gasps

"Oh fuck!" Y/N moans, I start kissing her neck, she bit her lip and I went a little faster

"I wanna be more than friends, Y/N. I want you to be mine and I wanna be yours. Let's be together." I said

"I'm getting close" Y/N moans

"If you wanna cum, then say you're mine." I demand, she moans

"I'm y-yours, Scarface." Y/N moans, I smirked at her and went faster

"ET, p-please let me cum." Y/N moans

"Cum for me, baby. Cum for me." I whisper in her ear, I looked at her and her eyes rolled back, I went faster and feel her juices in my fingers

I removed my fingers and licked my fingers and she tastes good. I smiled at her and kissed her and she kissed me back. I pulled away and Y/N buttons her pants. Then Rollie and Scotty came in the car.

"Y'all alright?" Rollie asked

"Yeah" I said

"You sure?" Scotty asked

"Yeah" Y/N said, they shrug their shoulders and Scotty starts driving and I place my hand on Y/N's thigh

"I mean it, you mine" I said, she smiles at me

"I know" Y/N said, I smirk at her and kissed her cheek

"Scotty, can you take us back home?" I asked her, she nodded and she took us to my house.

"Bye y'all" Y/N said, they said bye and we went to my house and laid down on my bed and I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her head and we fell asleep

A/N: This imagine kinda sucks but I can't wait to see the reunion part two later on!! Hope y'all have a good day/night 🫀

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