Too Revealing - Scotty

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Summary - Scotty went live and wears something a little too revealing and Y/N gets jealous

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Summary - Scotty went live and wears something a little too revealing and Y/N gets jealous.

Warning - adult language

Scotty's POV
I decided to go on live because I'm bored. I started my live and start talking to my fans and ignored some of the haters. Then I heard the door open and it was my girlfriend Y/N

"Hey babe" I said, "He-" she cuts herself off, she looks at me up and down

"You look good, mama" Y/N said and grabs my waist and start kissing me and I kissed her back

I pulled away, "Babe, we on live" I said, she looks at my phone

"Who you tryna look cute for?" Y/N asked, "You obviously." I said with a laugh

"Why you dressed like that on live?" Y/N asked, I can tell she's being serious so my smile faded

"Babe, it's not that serious." I said, "It's not? Do you know how many guys on here, watching you?" Y/N questions

"Y/N, stop. You need to chill." I said, Y/N rolls her eyes and I continued talking to my fans and they don't like how Y/N talked to me

"Guys, Y/N's just a little jealous. Don't be hating on my bae." I said

I didn't like how Scotty was dressing when she was on live. It's too revealing.

I walked to her and wrap my arms around her waist and she looked at me and kissed my cheek and i looked at the comments

"It wasn't that serious, Y/N. It is that serious, tf. This is my girl." I answering one of the comments, Scotty slightly slaps my shoulder

"Guys, she's kidding." Scotty said with a smile, I rolled my eyes and walked away

"Y/N!" I heard Scotty say my name, I just ignored her and went to our room. Then Scotty came to the room.

"Y/N, don't be like that" Scotty said, "Be like what?" I said

"Don't be jealous" Scotty said, "I'm not" I said rolling my eyes

"Yes you are." Scotty said, "You know I only want you." Scotty said

"Okay" I said, Scotty smacks her lips and walks away. I sigh and turn on the tv and watched tv for a while

A few hours later, Scotty came to our room again and laid down next to me. Maybe I was overreacting a little bit.

"Scotty, I'm sorry for being like that. Maybe I was overreacting." I said, Scotty looks at me

"A little?" Scotty said with a laugh, I threw a pillow at her

"Shut up." I laughed with her, "But I do wanna apologize tho." I said

"It's fine, Y/N. Maybe my outfit was a little too revealing. But I forgive you, baby." Scotty said, I smiled at her and kissed her and she kissed me back, Scotty pulled away

"You don't have to be jealous, Y/N. I'm yours." Scotty said, she kissed my nose and I smiled at her and we start watching tv together and I laid my head on her chest and she kissed my head and we fell asleep

A/N: Sorry this imagine is too short. But the reunion is Sunday!! I'm excited to see Biggie, Tesehki, Camilla, Sky, Ahna, Tee, and Smiley eat the reunion up. Hope y'all have a good day/night 🫀

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