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Sam and Amelia both stood by my side. I was dressed in a white cropped collar shirt and a vest with a short black skirt and heeled loafers. Amelia wore a brown vest and pant trousers with converses. Sam was dressed in a black slacks, a white collar shirt and a matching vest with mine, paired with his signature shoes.

My hair was in a half ponytail updo today. Mia had cut her hair short recently and straightened it. She looked amazing with it.

We were at the entrance to Elite College. The building looked magnificent, I'll give it that. Students walked around aimlessly and we recieved a lot of stares.

"Oh God. People are staring. We're like weirdos. Why'd we have to get Mother's hair and not Dad's?" Mia asked and I shrugged. I loved my hair regardless.

"Come on. Let's go." I said and started walking towards the building with my siblings in tow.

We got to the office and the staff there stared openly at us. "You're the Danvers Kids!" A student yelled from outside.

I stopped at who seemed to be handling registration.
"Good morning. How can I help you?" The woman asked. I glanced at the name tag. Melina.

"We just transferred." Sam spoke and she looked at him. My brother stared back coldly. They weren't exactly in full terms with the new adjustments.

"Welcome to Elite College! It's nice to have you here. Let's take a look at your previous reports and classes shall we?" She said then pulled out our files.

"Okay Amelia Rinna Danvers. Ballet Major. Okay. Um...Your grades are surprisingly good for someone doing Ballet as a major." She said handing a booklet to Mia who smiled slightly in response.

"Up next. Sam Richard Danvers. Art Major. Wow. Your grades are also good. You'll fair fine I'm sure." She said handing a booklet to him as well.

"And Finally Snow Reina Danvers. You have a very unique name." She said looking at my reports. Her mouth dropped open and she looked up at me.

"Ms Melina? Is anything wrong?" Another staff asked coming to look. I sighed.

"A dance Major. You're grades are astonishing. It says here that you're the top of your class. You must be very smart." She said as they all stared at me. I shrugged not interested in receiving any praises.

I just wanted to get to class already.

Three students were called to show each of us around and I was paired with a boy named Aries. He had hazel eyes and dark hair and was probably around Sam's height at 6'2 or 6'3.

"Welcome here once again. It's nice to have new faces around. I heard the teachers whispering about how smart you are. Get ready to be humbled." He teased and I raised an eyebrow.


"Uh yes. This isn't the best school for nothing. Everyone here is a fucking smartass. Not everyone but the majority. Some dumb fucks are here because of their parents influence." He explained and I nodded quietly.

"So you're saying my grades are merely nothing?" I asked in genuine curiosity. He chuckled and looked at me.

"Come on Snow. Even the teachers were shocked at your report. I'm sure you'll do good or even better." He said and I smiled slightly.

"Thanks. It's a lot. Transferring schools. I have to make it worth it. And my siblings too." I said and he nodded in understanding.

As we walked we talked more and I found out that Aries is a really nice and outgoing guy. He apparently was in the top students at number 4.

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