Prologue 1 | Night City

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Night City. The city of dreams.

A sprawling megalopolis of steel and neon, its towering skyscrapers scraped the heavens, while the underbelly of the city crawled with the outcasts and the desperate.

Where dreams merged with nightmares, the relentless cycle of life never ceased. The gleam of corporate towers overshadowed the dignities of the forgotten.

It is a city that mercilessly devoured those who dared to challenge it, and yet, for many, it was a place to chase dreams that could only be born in the darkest of slums and on the brightest of stages.

In this city where the cries of misery are loud yet silent...






Currently, at a small abandoned warehouse in the northern end of Japantown, a chaotic firefight is happening, involving a group of gang members and one individual.

Gang Member #1: I'll fucking kill you!

Gang Member #2: You're fucking dead, you hear me!

Gang Member #3: You're in real shit messin' with us!

...Were among the threats shouted by the Tyger Claws gang members while they were shooting their guns at one particular boy.

Akiri: Come up with some original lines to yell out, gonks!

Akiri, a 19-year-old boy with short black hair and dark blue eyes, quipped back while standing behind the cover of a concrete pillar.

Leaning slightly out of cover, the boy shot back at the gang members with his Constitutional Arms Liberty pistol, but he only managed to take out one guy before getting shot by the others, forcing him to retreat behind cover again

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Leaning slightly out of cover, the boy shot back at the gang members with his Constitutional Arms Liberty pistol, but he only managed to take out one guy before getting shot by the others, forcing him to retreat behind cover again.

Akiri: Fuck...!

He curses under his breath.

He was about to reposition to a better spot when suddenly, he received an incoming holo call from a person registered as "Rebecca".

He clicks his tongue, slightly frustrated before picking it up.

Akiri: Hey, Becca. I'm in the middle of a gig right now, so-

Rebecca: Huh? What did you say?!

The girl shouted angrily, which made the boy confused at her sudden outrage.

Rebecca: You gonk! You're gonna be late!

Akiri: Late?

He pondered what she was talking about while looking at the current time, and it was at that moment, everything clicked into place.

Akiri: Oh, shit!

Rebecca: So now you noticed. You better be there on time or I'll fucking shove my iron up your a-!

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