Midnight Desires (Lemon 18+)

408 11 7

18+ content ahead. You have been warned






Sasha: Think about it, okay? But for now...

She then suddenly pushes him back down on the bed and straddles his hips with a playful grin on her face.

Akiri: Sasha?

Sasha: I think it's time we finally do this...

She utters as she eyes him like a predator.

Akiri: W-Wait... I'm still kinda tired 

The girl only smirks as she pulls out an Airhypo and injects it on the side of his stomach, causing him to feel an intense burst of energy, washing away his exhaustion in an instant and energizing him.

Sasha: There. That should give you a boost~

His eyes widened slightly, a chill ran up his spine as he realized what she did, and why she did it.

Akiri: S-Sasha, h-hold on a moment...

Sasha ignores him and leans in to capture his lips in hers, kissing him deeply and passionately. The kiss immediately started to get heated as she intertwined her tongue with his, lost in her desires.

A moment later, she finally pulls back, a string of saliva still connects them and she smiles while breathing heavily, staring at him with a heated gaze.

He can almost see hearts glimmering in her eyes, and that's when he knew there's nothing he could do to stop what's coming, and he has no choice but to go along for the ride

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He can almost see hearts glimmering in her eyes, and that's when he knew there's nothing he could do to stop what's coming, and he has no choice but to go along for the ride...

Sasha: Oh, you're definitely feeling energetic now~ I can feel how hard you're getting down there...

She grinds her hips against the hardness under his pants, stimulating both of their sensitive areas at the same time and she moans softly, feeling her heart racing, the anticipation building up inside her.

She kisses him again, much more passionately before pulling away to immediately move to his lower half. She fumbles to unclasp his belt and pulls his pants down until only his boxers are in the way.

She swiftly pulls down the last layer of clothing to reveal his erect member standing tall and she looks at it drooling as she takes in its intoxicating scent. Her body trembles in excitement, and her lips curled into a sensual grin.

Sasha: So big~ You sure you're not packing a Mr. Studd?

Akiri: What? No

She giggles and kisses his cheek.

Sasha: Just kidding, babe~ I know you're all natural down there

Without wasting any more time, she brings her lips closer to his shaft and kisses it lovingly. She then uses her tongue, licking along its length slowly, teasing him. His whole body tenses up at the sensation, and she giggles at his reaction. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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