Prologue 2 | Let You Down

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Along the trip to Corpo Plaza, Akiri ponders why Sasha seems so eager to take this particular job. But he ultimately decides not to bring it up.

Akiri parks his bike at Memorial Park and they take a short walk to the Biotechnica building. Once in front of it, the two glanced up at the tall structure before looking at each other.

Akiri: Ready?

Sasha pops a piece of strawberry-flavored chewing gum in her mouth before nodding and flashing him a confident smirk.

Sasha: Ready

Anxiety and tension build up with each step they take, but they keep their heads down, knowing that they can trust their skills, and most importantly, each other.

After slipping past a few NCPD patrols, they made it to the main entrance of the building undetected.

Sasha pulls out a personal link cable from under the wrist of her left hand and plugs it into a terminal near the door. Her cyberoptics started to glow, and it didn't take long for her to be able to open the door, granting them entrance to the building.

At that moment, a message from Maine came through, notifying them that the signal jammer is up and running, setting the countdown in motion.

The two didn't waste any time as they swiftly ran down the lobby to the receptionist's desk, being careful not to be detected and caught by the cameras.

They then vaulted over the desk and hid behind it, and Sasha quickly plugged into another terminal under the desk to disable the cameras in the area.

Once security was disabled, they proceeded to the main elevator, riding it to reach the top floor.

While on the elevator, Sasha playfully blew a bubble with her gum and then popped it, a subtle display of her composed confidence.

Sprinting down a lengthy, desolate corridor, they reached the central office. Sasha easily hacked open the door, granting them access.

Inside, the office is fairly spacious, but what caught their attention is the desk and computer terminal in the center of the room.

Confidently, Sasha made her way to the computer and placed her bag on the floor next to it. She takes off her cropped jacket and drapes it over the back of the office chair before settling into the seat.

Akiri: We have ten minutes

Sasha: Right

She pulled out her visor and plugged it into a port on the computer before putting it on while Akiri positioned himself near the door, acting as a lookout, ensuring their surroundings stayed secure.

Making sure she's comfortable on the chair, Sasha starts her dive into the database, searching through hundreds of entries of confidential files and records to find the requested intel.

Eventually, she managed to pinpoint the exact files needed and she started to download them to a datashard.

Meanwhile, Akiri didn't see anything out of the ordinary as he kept watch down the empty corridor with his gun at the ready.

Just as Sasha was finishing up, something caught her eye. Confidential files on Securicine.

Sasha: ...

Akiri: Sasha, you done yet?

A moment later, he saw her taking off her visor. Akiri couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in the atmosphere around the girl. The once-confident air now seemed heavy with tension, as if something significant weighed on her mind.

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