
719 16 10

Name: Rhodes
Age: 22
Born: 0, 155, 989. M42
Homeworld: Cadia
Affiliation: Astra Militarum, Cadian Shock Troops
Rank: Guardsman

 M42Homeworld: CadiaAffiliation: Astra Militarum, Cadian Shock Troops Rank: GuardsmanLooks:

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M36 Kantrael Pattern Lasgun

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M36 Kantrael Pattern Lasgun

M36 Kantrael Pattern Lasgun

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Standard Issue Bayonet


- Flak Armor
- Medi-Pack
- Anything standard issue to a normal Guardsman.

Background: A young Cadian drafted into the Astra Militarum when he became 5 years old, alike many others he was trained to fight and immediately placed into war, during a battle upon a Hive World something happened to him, now forever stuck in the time where Terra was Earth.

(Why is everything in Warhammer 40K so complicated? Also does anyone have a good background story on which hive world or forge world battle should he've been in to make it realistic?)

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