No Rest for the Guard

170 4 11

Korone PoV

I opened the Discord group and pinged everyone.

Korone: [Guys! Look at this!]

I posted the picture.

Suisei: [Korone, who is this?]

Amelia: [Wait, this is him!]

Mio: [Him?]

Amelia: [That's the Guardsman I told you all about!]

Marine: [Wait! So HE's the one who shot Matsuri-chan?!]

Bae: [Damn, Matsuri wasn't lying. He IS young.]

Choco: [Bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils. Clear signs he is fatigued. Probably hasn't slept in weeks.]

Fuwawa: [He looks scary doesnn't he Moco-chan?]

Mococo: [Yeah.]


Noel: [Coco, calm down.]

Yagoo: [Korone, where is he right now?]

Korone: [He's here at the bakery. Grandma invited him in to rest.]

Calli: [What?! We've been searching him for this long and he just came right next to our door?!]

Yagoo: [Calli, where are you right now?]

Calli: [I'm with Gura and Nerissa, we're going to the bakery right now to go and get him.]

Yagoo: [Don't do anything stupid. Remember, he's armed.]

Kronii: [Has he done anything bad?]

Korone: [No, he hasn't done anything bad. But I can tell he's on alert.]

Fauna: [He's still cautious. Why don't we just... Invite him nicely?]

Calli: [No can do. We'll get him and bring him back to the studio, one way or another.]

Fauna: [Just don't go too hard on him.]

Kiara: [I wonder if he had eaten or not.]

Yagoo: [That's not important right now Kiara. Korone, I almost forgot, did you get his name?]

Korone: [He said his name is Vestian Rhodes. That's all he said.]

Yagoo: [I see, very well then. Let's try not to antagonize him.]

Calli: [Oh don't worry, we won't.]

Korone: [I'll keep an eye on him until you guys get here.]

I closed discord and placed my phone in my pocket, I then went back to the living room, to my surprise, Rhodes stood in front of me.

Korone (EN): Ah, Rhodes? Where are you going?

Rhodes (EN): Your grandmother told me there's a spare room upstairs. I'm going to take a rest before going out.

Korone (EN): Ooh, so you're not going to stay?

Rhodes (EN): No, I have to find a way to get back home.

Korone (EN): I see, then have a good rest.

He nods and went upstairs. Not long, Okayu walks up.

Okayu (JP): Korone, what were you doing?

Korone (JP): I informed everyone on discord that he's here with us.

Okayu (JP): Nani?! You know that's a bad idea!

Korone (JP): But if he goes out tomorrow... He'll hurt someone else... And he can get killed... But if he's with us at Hololive then he'll be save. 

Okayu (JP): Korone, Coco is mad at him because he killed her friend. Kronii is also angry at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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