Chapter 1. Why do I have to carry around a toaster!?

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Before the story begins, I want to apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes. English is not my first language...🥲


The silence that reigned in the room was broken by an atrocious sound, that of his alarm clock. Half asleep, Gavin searched desperately for his phone to stop the sound. Once this torture was over, he rubbed his face to wake himself up. He would like to dive back into Morphee's arms but life decided otherwise. He emerged with difficulty from his bed. He wandered into the living room. At this time the streets of Detroit are deserted and silent, to Gavin's greatest pleasure. He took advantage of the calm to make himself a coffee.

-Only good moment, in this shitty day.

After this little moment of pleasure, the detective decided to get dressed. Arriving in his room, he chooses black jeans and a black t-shirt. In his entrance Gavin collected his keys, his badge, his pack of cigarettes and his leather jacket. Back in front of his car, Gavin wants to turn around but his professional conscience prevents him.


Arriving in front of the DPD, Gavin decided to smoke before going inside. During those few minutes, he imagined his day. He didn't want to see Hank and his toaster again. The detective finally decided to enter the police station. Even at this early hour, Officer Miller was at his post.

-Hello Gavin.


-You seem in a good mood.

Gavin growled.

-Okay, I'll leave you alone.

Officer Miller returned to his office. Gavin went to the cafeteria to make another coffee.
Around 7AM Gavin motivated himself to take his post. He studied the files on his terminal while keeping an eye on the arrivals in the police station, dreading the arrival of Hank and his walking can. Around 8AM the dreaded moment arrived.
-Hello Detective Reed. How are you ?

-Shut up !

-Your bad mood has increased by 12% compared to yesterday.

Gavin stood up and grabbed Connor by the collar.

-I told you to shut up. he yelled.

-Damn Gavin leave him!

-Hank, are you afraid that I will damage your toy?

-Gavin don't play dumb.

-If you ever get damaged, you will have to pay CyberLife for the repairs.

Gavin let go of Connor and punched his desk.

-Fuck !

He sat back at his desk and watched bruises form on his knuckles. Unfortunately Captain Follwer interrupted himself.

-Gavin in my office.

-I'm coming.

-Gavin, can you explain to me why your teammate resigned after a week!?

-It's not my fault if he doesn't know how to investigate!

-Okay...Since you can't work with a human, we'll try with an android.

-No...Jeffrey you can't do that to me.

-CyberLife have entrusted us with the latest model, the RK900. Nines you can come in.

-Hello Captain. Hello Detective Reed, nice to meet you.

Nines said with a playful look and extended his hand towards Gavin. Gavin took a step back and growled.

-You can dispose.

Gavin rushed to his desk. Nines went to see his big brother and his partner.

-So Nines how did it go with Captain Follwer and Detective Reed?

-The Detective had a slightly friendly reaction towards me, he didn't seem to agree with the fact that I was working with him. I hope this will not hinder our investigations.

-It's Gavin. You shouldn't expect anything other than physical and verbal violence. He does the same thing to Connor.

-Connor, is he violent with you? But you have to report it to the Captain.

-Forget it if Gavin loses this job, he might top himself. This work is his whole life.

-He lives alone ?

-Yes but I don't have any more information. Gavin doesn't like talking about himself. Tina knows things, Jeffrey knows things and I know things but no one knows everything. Well this evening you come to my house and I will tell you everything I know.

-Okay Lieutenant.

-Call me Hank.

-If you want Hank. I'll try to sympathize with the Detective.

-At your own risk. Nines walked up to Gavin.

-Excuse me Detective, is there a free office?

He pointed to the desk in front of him.

-There are no people here.

Nines sat across from Gavin.

-And for the files?

-You have a terminal on your desk.

They worked face to face for long hours but never spoke to each other. Around 6PM Connor approached Nines.

-Nines you come. Hank and I are going home.

-I'm coming.


Arriving in front of Hank's house, Nines hesitated to enter. Connor reassured him and they went inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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