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A few minutes and several layers of clothes later, I found myself seated on my couch with Mellie balancing precariously on my lap. My eyes flitted back and forth, moving between the four perplexed faces that stood, arms crossed, a few feet away from me.

Uncomfortable, suffocating silence filled the room as we stared at one another, my heart pounding so aggressively in my chest that I half expected them to hear each thunderous beat. The tips of my hair still dripped water, leaving dark splotches on the grey cotton tank top that clung to my damp skin as my foot tapped a staccato rhythm on the worn wooden floor.

My shaky fingers raked through Mellies fur, the motion a feeble attempt at keeping myself grounded as the boys studied me, their expressions blank, save for a hint of amusement in the eyes of the boy in the middle. His dark eyes danced with something resembling mischief as they lingered on my face.

I took in his appearance, noticing his dishevelled raven hair pushed back from his forehead, with a few strands gently framing his face, brushing against his golden skin. His jaw was sharp and defined, dotted with a faint stubble dusting his chin and upper lip. Scars decorated his face, the most prominent running along his jawline, and the barest hint of a tattoo peeked out from under the sleeve of his hoodie.

"Kai," he said as he caught my assessing gaze, his full lips curving into a cocky smirk.

Reluctantly shifting my attention, I locked eyes with the blonde boy standing beside him. Tousled waves sat atop his head, the sides neatly shaven, and tattoos peeked out from beneath the white longsleeve he wore, trailing down his neck and reappearing on his knuckles. Despite the narrowed intensity of his icy–blue eyes, a gentle warmth swam within them, making it clear that he was studying me just as closely. His eyes flickered over me before Kai spoke again.

"That's Ethan." He cocked his head to his right, before gesturing to the two tall boys beside him. "Those two idiots are Ryan and Cyrus."

My eyes shifted to the first boy, Ryan, whose light brown hair formed a tangle of waves atop his head. Bright blue eyes sparkled with amusement, a grin barely contained on his lips. His ear boasted a plethora of piercings, while a single eyebrow piercing caught the light of the fairy-lights' glimmer on the wall. His hands were tucked casually into the pockets of his grey sweatpants, and small, patchwork–like tattoos littered his sculpted arms.

Turning my focus to the last boy, Cyrus, I studied his warm brown eyes, filled with an intriguing sense of curiosity. Inky curls framed his face, with shorter strands in the front sweeping over his forehead. His skin radiated a perpetual tan, speckled with a few faint freckles along his nose and cheeks. His arms showcased intricate tattoos, forming a beautiful mosaic of abstract patterns.

A thick silence filled the room again, none of us daring to speak—none of us knowing what to say. I kept my gaze in my lap, fingers still combing through Mellies fur, before Kai clapped his hands, causing both Mellie and I to jump, and she ran down the hall to retreat to the safety of my bedroom.

Lucky cat.

"So, now that introductions are done..." Kai made a show of scanning the living room, his gaze never once settling. "This is 728 Anson street, right?"

I nodded.

"Great, follow–up question: why are you in our house?" He continued, his lips curled up in a lazy, half-smile.

"Well, for starters, this is my house." I retorted, my tone firmer than I had anticipated. My eyes widened slightly, and I brought a hand to my mouth as I uttered a quiet apology.

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