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"Not slutty enough!"

Max was sprawled out across my bed, her arm tucked behind her head as Mellie slept soundly across her stomach. She took a bite of my apple before continuing, "try again."

Huffing, I peeled the ridiculously tight outfit from my body, placing my hands on my hips as I glared at my best friend.

She smiled. "Pipes, you know I just want to slutify you for your own good. I can't always be the best looking one at the event." Sarcasm dripped from her tone as she took another bite of my apple. "Try this."

I didn't get a chance to respond before Max was throwing clothes at my face relentlessly. A sheer, bedazzled bodysuit fell to my feet followed by a pair of tight, leather pants and a pair of black heeled boots.

"No way." I shook my head. "No. Way." I held up the bodysuit.

Max sat up, disturbing the sleeping cat on top of her and sighed as if it was the hardest moment of her life. Her fingers tapped the comforter, and she pressed her lips together in a tight line before shrugging. "We both know you're going to wear it. I'm going to pretend you have a choice so you don't have to admit to being so submissive to your best friend's superior taste, so put it on and shut up."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her before sliding the sheer outfit over my legs, it was the strangest combination of mesh and leather, tight and comfortable, and I had to admit, it didn't look too terrible on me. The mesh left little to the imagination, with the V neck running halfway to my navel and only getting dark enough to cover what needed to be covered on my chest, but I wasn't really surprised. This was Max's doing, after all.

"I have a feeling that this," she waved at me lazily, "will get you some action tonight. I've truly outdone myself this time." She looked me up and down with a sense of satisfaction in her gaze and a smug smile on her face. "Now, you might be slutty enough," her smile turned to a smirk as I laughed, reaching out to tug on the mesh covering my stomach, "I am truly proud of this moment."

Shaking my head, I stepped away from my best friend, adjusting my hair and the makeup Max had referred to as 'sexy biker,' with a pair of red lips and smudged smokey eyes that she had applied as soon as we'd gotten home. She had already been dressed to go, a tiny, leather mini skirt and something that could be classified as a bikini top and thigh–high leather boots on, with her hair tied back in a slick ponytail.

I hadn't seen Greyson since our pizzaria dinner date and the idea of getting him alone was the only thing on my mind as Max dragged me through the house, her fingers locked around my wrist. "Come on, Pipes. Grey's not going to know what to do with you when he sees you." She smiled and pressed her fingers against her chin. "And, he is going to be so mad." She let out a delighted laugh as she pulled me into the living room, where everyone waited. "It is going to be beautiful."

Everyone turned to look at us, the entire house seeming to stop for a second. Five pairs of eyes looking at Max and I as I sought out the amber eyes that I'd grown addicted to, the eyes that were focused on me with an intensity that sent heat rolling through me.

He was dressed in dark wash jeans and a long sleeve shirt, the sleeves rolled up to reveal his muscular arms, his tattoos peeking out from under the material. His face was a blank mask, giving away nothing as he trailed my body.

His jaw ticked as Kai jumped up from his spot, his finger landing on my sternum as he shouted, "found it! I found her tattoo, guys!" I swatted at him, pushing him away from me as everyone laughed, and Greyson's eyes hardened, his stare so unrelenting and intense I had to look away.

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