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I cursed as I made my way through the crowded warehouse, my meeting with Mitch having run entirely too long. I was here to have fun for fucks sake, not to talk about the goddamn crew.

The lights were low, the music deafening, and the smell of beer and vodka strong as I weaved through the crowd, searching for my friends—for Piper. Max and Ryan danced together in the sea of people, their bodies pressed together as her hips swayed in time with the music. The booth where I had left Piper with Kai was empty, and annoyance flared in my gut.

"The fuck?" I grumbled, pulling out my phone in preparation to berate Kai until my frustration was appeased.

"Grey!" Kai's shout made me turn, my eyes widening as I spotted him, his face pale and ridden with concern. "It's Piper, she...fuck, man, she—"

"Spit it out."

"She was drinking rootbeer all night, but I guess they were putting alcohol in it, and she..." his face twisted, and he ran a hand through his hair, looking around nervously. "Greyson, she's so fucked up."

"Where the fuck is she?" My tone was low, lethal, and Kai shrunk back.

"She's in the back,"

If Kai wasn't my best friend, his head would've been through the wall. "You left her in the fucking back, alone? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I didn't know what to do, you weren't answering your phone and she needs you, dude, and I know you're pissed but—"

"Take me to her."

I was going to kill every single one of these motherfuckers.

Kai led me towards the back, pushing through the crowd and muttering apologies to anyone who he shoved aside. Finally, we stopped at the entrance of the back hallway, and Kai nodded towards the door, his shoulders slumped. "She's in there. I'm sorry, man, I didn't know, and I should've stayed with her and..."

Walking into the room, I left Kai in the hallway. My entire body froze, blood roaring in my ears as my eyes landed on her, and rage unlike anything I had ever felt before tore through me.

Piper sat on the couch, her eyes closed and head leaning against the wall, her mouth hanging open as she breathed softly, her chest rising and falling. There was a man sitting beside her, his hand resting on her thigh, a smile on his face as he leaned in to kiss her.

My fist was swinging before I could register it, my knuckles connecting with his face. The man fell from the couch, his hands flying to his nose as a string of curses fell from his mouth. I hit him again, relishing in the cracking of his bones as his head fell backwards.

I recognized him as one of Reece's goons, a man named Jack, and it made me smile knowing he was hurting. "Tell Reece," I grabbed his collar, dragging him upwards, "that if he comes near Piper again, I will cut his fucking throat."

I meant it.

"Reece isn't scared of you," the man sneered, wiping blood from his nose.

"He should be," my voice was quiet, deadly as I shoved the man away. "Get the fuck out of here." Jack hesitated, and I raised an eyebrow. "Don't make me tell you again."

He scrambled from the room, and I turned towards Piper, a fear gripping me as I realized that she hadn't moved yet. I was beside her in a second, pulling her into my lap, my heart racing as her head lolled back.

"Firelight," I pressed my fingers to her neck, sighing in relief when I felt her pulse. "Fuck, Piper. Open your eyes."

Her eyebrows knit together, and she shook her head. "Mmm," her lips curled into a pout. "Tired."

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