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Author's pov

Yoongi was sitting in office meeting with Mr Kang the deal was finaled after Mr Kang gone a bodyguard came with a file

Bg - sir here is the information about the girl
Yoongi - okay u can go

The bodyguard went yoongi open the file and read about the girl

Name - lee yn
Age - 20
Status - middle class
Parents - died
Job - same flower shop of jimin and taehyung
Bf - Jung hoseok
Friends - jimin and taehyung

Yoongi's pov

My blood boiled seeing hobi with someone else I quickly order to get information about the girl then I got to know she was hoseok gf and got more angry to know she is jimin's friend it's all happen because of jimin today I will not leave him today how dare he first marry me then tell his friend to snatch hoseok from me park jimin today no one can save u from me

Yoongi's pov end

He was so angry today he completed his work as fast as he can and rushes home on jimin's side

He was preparing dinner he thought if he will make yoongi's fav food maybe he will be happy so he called Mrs min and asked about yoongi's fav food he brought the ingredients and make his fav food

He was waiting for yoongi soon bell rang jimin runs and open the door

Jimin - u...came
Yoongi - hmm (rudely) and went without glancing at jimin who sigh sadly
Jimin - it's okay jimin he will be happy seeing his fav food

Yoongi came downstairs jimin was serving the food he look at yoongi and ask
Jimin - i....i...make ur fav food....let's eat(nervous)
Yoongi - did I ask??
Jimin's heart broke of the harsh tone he looks down

Jimin flinch he eyes got teary cause we know he is sensitive without getting any reply yoongi came to him and hold his chin harshly jimin hiss in pain

Yoongi - mr park I ask u something and I don't like to repeat myself (deep voice)
Jimin - u did... didn' happy (Stutters)
Yoongi leave his chin and smirk

Yoongi - so u prepare it to me make me happy okay then (evil smile)

Jimin got a little hope yoongi went to dining table and pick up the plate facing jimin who got little happy but it broke when yoongi throws the plate to him jimin flinch all the food was thrown to him his clothes were ruined and the plate statterted in floor tears rolls down from jimin's eyes yoongi just smile evily  and spoke

Yoongi - oops sorry jimin it's bymistakely fall from my hands ur food is ruined I am not hungry so u eat ( sarcastically) and went from there

Jimin falls on floor crying badly
Jimin - why are u doing this yoongi it's my first time making something for u but u ruined it why u hate me that much (mumbles) he gets up first he clean the mess then he went to his room and clean himself and without eating he slept

Yoongi came to his room and look at jimin's sleeping figure he caress his plump lips with his thumb and smirk evily

Yoongi - it's only start babyboy just wait and see how I broke ur heart in every way
Saying this he went

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