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At night

Jimin was sitting on couch he was scrolling through his phone just then yoongi came in with a girl jimin look at them he feel anger rush through his body

Jimin's pov

I was waiting for yoongi hyung in the hall i was scrolling through my phone I hear footsteps and saw yoongi hyung came but anger rush through my body when I saw he was coming with a girl his hands were wrapped around her waist pulling him closer seeing this my heart clenched badly I stand and went to them

Jimin - who the hell are u ?
Girl - yoonie baby who is he and why is he shouting like that (the girl look at me with disgusted look)
Jimin - listen u damn bitch stay away from my husband (i shouted on her)
Yoongi - maintain ur voice PARK JIMIN

I flinched listening his shout tears gather in my eyes yoongi was giving me a cold stare he leave the girl's waist and indicated her to go after she gone suddenly yoongi hold my waist and pull me closer i shivered

Yoongi - why are fucking hell are u jealous i and doing the same thing u have done in afternoon (deep voice)
Jimin - wh..what have...I done (I was confused at first but soon my eyes widened when he spoke)
Yoongi - didn't u met seojun today in xxx cafe at 2pm ? (He was looking directly in my eyes making me feel scared of him )

I gulp hard I think I should apply the plan I have made with seojun

Jimin - i..I didn't met seojun hyung...I met ta.. taehyung u..u misunderstood

I was Stuttering badly while telling it but i regret when he show me the photo of me and seojun talking now I am doomed he look at me with dark eyes

Yoongi - trying to lie to me baby u even was talking with him today morning smiling while texting him (gritted his teeth) I think I did a big mistake leaving u virgin (smirk)

My eyes widened I understand what he meant by that I was about to run but unfortunately he hold me and carry me in his shoulders I tried to defend myself

Jimin - leave me please leave me hyung

He take to bedroom and throw me on bed harshly i started crying he open his coat and shirt I close my eyes he hovers over me

Yoongi - today I am gonna make u mine so that no one dared to touch u

he said in a deep husky voice and started kissing my neck

That's it

Three chapter of "psycho's obsession towards cute boy " Posted check it out

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