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Jimin get ready he wore a plain t shirt and blue jeans he set him hair take his phone and home keys and went to meet seojun he came to the cafe and was waiting for seojun

On yoongi's side

He was doing some work in his office he got a msg in his phone he check it and it's from seojun

Seojun : hey mr min
Yoongi : what the fuck u want
Seojun : nothing I have a photo to give u
*Send a photo*

Yoongi look at the photo and his eyes widened the photo shows jimin was waiting for seojun in cafe

Yoongi - what the hell what is he doing here (in mind)

Seojun : mr min it's ur husband u know whome is he waiting for ??
Yoongi : who??
Seojun : he is waiting for me today we have plan to meet okay byee
Yoongi : hey...hey u motherfucker

*Seojun blocked yoongi*

Yoongi - what the mother fucker is this wait is that's the reason jimin was smiling today (his jaw tightened) today u are gone parkjimim (jealously)

He calls one of his man and said to go to xxx cafe and click a photo of seojun and jimin

On jimin's side

He was waiting for seojun and then seojun came

Seojun - hey jimin
Jimin - hii hyung why u were late
Seojun - aww I am sorry it's just i have some work and tell how are u doing
Jimin - comeon hyung we just met yesterday
Seojun - yeah actually there's a problem
Jimin - what happened
Seojun - actually when I was coming to meet u ur husband 's men saw me I think he will surely ask u where u were
Jimin - oh shitt what should I tell he..he will beat me (panic)
Seojun - hey..hey it's okay I have a plan......

Seojun tells the plan to jimin who wasn't agreed at first but then he also agreed after some talking they went from there

That's it
Part two posted of psycho's obsession towards the cute boy check it out

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