out of danger

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Jimin - now u are gone bastard my husband has came to save me (he said with proud seem in his face)

Seojun got real angry he hold him by his hair and drag him with him he went downstairs and saw all his man's were killed yoongi and jungkook were standing with rage

Seojun - u husband was right u really came that's show how much u love him I am fascinated

He drag jimin downstairs

Yoongi - leave him seojun
Jimin - y..yoon..yoongi pleas...please...sa..save...me
Seojun - go I leave u go to ur husband before I change my mind

All feel suspicious jimin started to walk slowly towards yoongi seojun smiled and


Yoongi and jungkook - JIMINNNNNNNNNNN

seojun shoot jimin he falls on floor Jungkook also shoot seojun he falls on floor lifeless yoongi rush to jimin and saw blood was flowing like a river while jimin was unconscious

Yoongi - j..jimin please open ur eyes please jimin u can't leave me JUNGKOOK CALL THE AMBULANCE FAST

Jungkook called the ambulance they admitted jimin to hospital they take him to operation room

Yoongi - doctor he..he will be save right
Doc - I can't tell me min he lose very much of his blood we are not sure
Yoongi - please save him doctor please
Doc - we will try our best pray for him

The operation started yoongi was very worried soon all came there yoongi started crying while holding his eomma
Taehyung also burst into tears jungkook hold him in his arms

After 1 hour the operation ended doctor come yoongi runs to him and asked him

Yoongi - do..doc..doctor..my..hus..husband
Doc - yes mr min he is out of danger but because he lose so much blood we need someone to donate him blood  is blood group is A
Jungkook - do..doctor can...i--
?? - I will donate blood
All turn around and there were shocked it was jhope

Jhope - yes doctor I am going to donate the blood
Yoongi - hobi (slowly)
Doc - okay please come fast with me

Doc and hoseok went yn came to them

Taehyung - yn what are u and hoseok doing here
Yn - ac.. actually..i..I am pregnant
All - whattt
Yn - ye..yes I got to know it yesterday so today I came for checkup then i saw yoongi and jungkook rushing with jimin who was lifeless i become so worried hobi also saw him and then we listen to everything we only know how much yoongi hyung love jimin and jimin loves him too

Yoongi feel very relieved his ex is giving his husband blood

Yoongi - yn u are so lucky to have a boyfriend or husband like hoseok (he smile at her)
Doc came outside

Yoongi - doc my husband??
Doc - congratulations mr min u husband is fully fine now we lucky to get a doner they will came back to concious soon
Yoongi - ca..can we meet them
Doc - yes sure but only one person for now
Yoongi look at them they indicate him to go and meet

He goes inside and saw jimin and hoseok sleeping he came to hoseok and kiss his forehead

Yoongi - thank u so much hobi for giving my husband blood and u are really lucky to have girlfriend like yn

Yoongi came to jimin and sat beside him  holding his hand

Yoongi - I am so sorry jimina i am very bad person I don't believe u I don't believe my husband I am so bad please forgive me (tears fall from his eyes )

He kiss his forehead and goes outside not knowing jimin was awake!!!!!!!

That's it 😉

My academic started so i can't post chapter regular it will take some days so please co-operate with me

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