missing him

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Jimin's pov

Did..did I hear right hobi donate me blood and...yoongi hyung he..he love me again but I am scared I think I need some time I can't trust him I should give some times i don't think I can recover soon it's okay jimin u are not divorcing him u just need some time okay be strong

Jimin's pov end

He open his eyes and saw hobi laying beside him

Jimin - thank u so much hobi hyung u are the best

Next day

All have came to meet jimin he talked to everyone except yoongi jimin forgive me and Mrs min but he didn't even glance at yoongi

Mrs min - jimin u will stay with yoongi after discharge right?
Jimin - n..no eomma i can't
Yoongi heart clenched
Mrs min - but why Minnie
Jimin - eomma after so much I need some time I can't forgive him now

Yoongi heart broke listening it he gets to know now how much he hurt jimin he is fearing what if jimin leaves him!!!what if jimin divorces him!! What if his love decreases for yoongi!! This all things are scaring yoongi but still he believes that jimin loves him so he console himself

After 2 3 days jimin got discharged he pack his stuffs and shift to taekook's house

After 4 and half months

yoongi leave his all mafia work and started his new business he waited for jimin he believe he will come one day each day his missing for jimin increases while on other side jimin got to know he is 6 weeks pregnant both are craving for each other's warmth jimin thought too surprise yoongi today he already forgive him now

Jimin and taekook did all their preparation to surprise yoongi he was excited and nervous at the same time let's see what happens next

That's it

Finally another chapter only two chapters left I hope u like this ff i finally got time to write I got many works on first day only but anyways enjoy

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