holding grudges (smut)

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just some smut. the title is terrible bc im tired and its 3am in the morning and im hornyyyy as fuck ok

[Word count: 1720

au: josh and tyler got in a fight (?) previously and this is the first time the squad is hanging out since then and tyler is still mad but josh is whiny and wants tyler

Warning: boyxboy material, foul language, daddy!tyler, bottom!josh

i also wrote this a last year, if you see any of 5sos's names just ignore it DONT JUDGE ME bye]

Josh boringly stared at the TV in front of him, wondering why he even put it on this channel. Disney Channel. Josh clicked it off and just as he did, his phone started ringing. "Hello?"

"Josh!" Dallon chirped into the phone. "Oh, hey Dal. Whats up?"

"Is it okay if I go over to yours? I'm bored." Dallon groaned into the phone as Josh rolled his eyes.

"Okay, come over. Invite the rest of the squad too." Josh says, and he hears Dallon hum in agreement.

"Okay, see you soon!" And with that, Dallon hung up. Josh bit his lip as he ran to his room, changing his clothes. He had on a random old shirt and boxers, but since Tyler was coming over him he needed to wear something that would impress him.

Josh chose the tightest pair of skinny jeans he owned and his american appearal underwear with a muscle t-shirt. He slipped all the clothing on, enjoying how he looked in them. He washed his face and brushed his teeth in the bathroom, and also fixed his hair into a style that always drove his boyfriend insane.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang and Josh rushed to it, being greeted by his three most favorite people in the world. Dallon had movies, Brendon had snacks, and Tyler had his hands in his pockets, smirking slightly as Josh made eye contact with him.

"Well, hey sexy." Josh smirks, biting his lip ring slightly and slipped his arms around Tyler, but he pulled away. Josh frowned.

"This is payback from a few days ago, because you were bad last week." The last part was whispered into Josh's ear, making him pout.

"Come on baby, you said I was forgiven when I..." Josh started to say innocently, but Dallon and Brendon were an ear-shot away. Josh decided not to say, but he pressed his body against Tyler's, but Tyler pushed him off and walked inside and Josh gaped, feeling annoyed. He wanted Tyler's undivided attention, but he obviously wasn't getting his way.

"Movies! Yay! I'm chosing Finding Nemo first because I'm in that Disney mood." Dallon cheers, and they all sit on the couch, munching on chips and drinking soda. Tyler was looking straight ahead at the TV, and he was cuddling a pillow. A fucking pillow. Josh never wanted to be an inanimate object more than he did then. He wanted Tyler's body to be pressed against him, not a fucking pillow.

It was about 20 minutes into the movie and Josh was going crazy. He didn't care about the movie. He loved a good Disney classic just as much as the next guy, but he couldn't focus when he knew that he wasn't getting any of Tyler's attention.

Josh smirked as he slid his hand slowly to Tyler's thigh, but Tyler just swatted it aside. Josh tried again, grinning when he felt Tyler squirm under his touch.

"Stop." Tyler warned, glaring at Josh, which just turned the blonde on more. Josh licked his lips slightly as he leaned in and bit slightly on Tyler's neck, sucking on the smooth skin under his jaw.

"Josh," Tyler whispered in a threatening tone, and Josh wasted no time in palming Tyler through his jeans and Tyler gasped at the contact. He got up from the couch and went and sat on the other side.

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