Chapter 16- a sleepy confession

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Bakugo be giving off that Big Tittie Energy 😮‍💨

Bakugo pov
I feel warm air blowing in my face, along with an alarm, a really fucking annoying alarm

Upon opening my eyes I see what the source of this hot ass air is, Kirishima

"Hey....wake the fuck up, your breathing is annoying and your stupid phones going off"
Nothing, he stays asleep and unaffected

I stand up, while still having my blanket wrapped around me, and head to the kitchen

I grab a water bottle off the counter, stand above of him, and splash some of the water on his face

Still nothing..
I open his mouth and pour some water down his throat, maybe he'll choke and wake up..

He somehow fucking swallows it and continues sleeping so appalled by him
I open his fucking eye, and pour some water in there
I don't know what else to do at this point

After a few seconds he jumps up in a panic and starts rubbing his eyes frantically, finally

"Dude! There's an eyelash in my eye, fuck!!"

I look at him dumbfounded
"How is that the thing that woke you up!"

After taking out the eyelash he starts talking again, which is good cause I need answers

"Well what else would have woken me up"
He smiles adorably...but how the fuck is he this stupid!!

Just out of spite I take the water bottle and pour the rest of it on him

"What was that for! Also you got your couch wet"

I throw the water bottle at his head and after it hit his head the bottle falls to the ground

"I don't care, it was for a good cause"

He then glares at me in a very cute and adorable, child pouting way

He sighs and walks up to me with a smile on his face
"So what do you want to do now then?~"

"Aren't you gonna fix your hair"

He tilts his head confused and goes to touch his hair and makes a small gasp as he does since I guess this was new information to him..
"Well Im gonna go fix that now, thanks for the heads up"

Before he can walk away I swung my leg at him thinking it might slow him down or something, I don't know but I didn't really want him to leave, or more so fix his hair..

I ended up kicking his elbow....
He hardened his arm right as my leg hit him and his sharp as fuck elbow had cut a decently long cut into my leg, it didn't look like it was horribly deep though

"*loud gasp*"

The cut was about 6 inches long and was started to bleed out
"I- I have some things for cuts in the bathroom somewhere-"

He quickly runs off to the bathroom, and just as quickly returns with a white box full of injury healing stuff (🧍‍♀️)

He opens it and stars treating my leg
"I can do it myself, my arms still work y'know"

He doesn't look up, concentrating on the cut
"Ya well it's partly my fault so I have to help in sind way.."

"Well next time don't be a clueless idiot to the point where I kick you.."

He doesn't respond for a while, focusing on cleaning the wound, but after he finishes cleaning it he sparks a conversation
" you have any friends in heaven?"

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