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Her feet tumbled upom the cold stone floor.

One's gaze, could easily get lost here.

This room filled with dense mist, yet so very familiar to her.

The air, cold and spiny, piercing her soul every time she breathes into it.

The thick mist, smelling of rotten carcass, clogs her eyes and her nose, making her wince in the torment it does to her senses.

She knows this story to her heart by now.

After all, it has played out so many times before her eyes.

She knew this twisted act of misery has preyed on her mind for many nights now. Orchestrated by someone or something she had never known of.

She has become like the used cork of a bottle on the brink to be thrown away each time only to be chained in this prison of misery to be tormented and filled with dread, again and again.

When did this all ever began? She does not know. All she ever remembers of a normal night was many many months ago.

Neither does she know how this started or what this was.

Is this her dream? If yes, why does it feel so real every time?

And, the most harrowing sign of it was her sudden illness, ever since this started.

She has been halved, the beautiful frame of her body reduced to a pale, bone-framed scaffolding, unrecognizable even to her own self.

"You don't scare me, you filthy creature!" she shouts at one of the mirrors in front of her.

Mirrors, mirrors all around, endless, fathomless.

Her false bravado striking out with ferocity at them.

The air seems still, suffocating her out in this endless prison of dread.

Drops of sweat filtering down her curls, she rotates her fear-plagued eyes across the room, looking for any sign or movement.

And then in an instance as if, the violin starts to play again, music of the abyss.

A moment of dread flashes across her eyes.

Not that wail of misery again.

She prays for herself inside, knowing very well the torment that music brings along with its harrowing demeanor.

The frequency gets higher every second and begins bouncing off the endless void of the room into her ears.

"No...No...No...Naaa...Naaa" her hands covering her ears as to searching for relief from the piercing music that drills through her head.

Her helpless cries, only elevates the misery wail, as they seemingly get lost somewhere endless.

It is this that she fears the most, the endlessness of this prison that she seems to be caged in, this lack of any conclusive act makes her wonder if this is only a nightmare after all.

What she sees next, baffles her own eyes.

Her reflection, her very own reflection is slowly turning into a hideous monster in every mirror of the room.

This was something that had never happened before. Her pale lips move, but there is no voice.

Her shock clear on her face, mazed by the lines which seemed to be of a very old lady.

But she was only seventeen!

She has always thought this to be a repetitive nightmare, why then is it being different from before today?

"WHO ARE YOU?? You dont..scare me"

Her flickering eyes trying to restrain themselves of the fear that is haunting her inside.

The monster is no one but she herself, but...but it can't be her.

Sharp teeth, glistening of bloodlust, deep hideous red eyes.

She cowers lower to the floor the music of the violin still revolting through her senses.

The wail is finally getting to her. Despite all her tries to stop it from reaching her ears, she has failed.

In anger and disgust, tears fill her eyes.

With clenched fists, she hardens her jawbones for another cry towards the demoness.

"You are not me! You demon!

Don't meddle with my mind like this" She shrieks out again and again, her cries smelling of mercy pleadings.

Warm tears rolled down her cheeks.

Perhaps her tears were the only abode of warmth in this cold room of what seemed to be death's kingdom.

The demoness in the reflection smiles, her crooked blood-stained teeth imparting every single second.

"YOU FILTH!" She rushes to the mirror in front of her and bangs into it with both her hands.

The glass cracks and shatters onto the floor on the impact of her pale bony fingers.

A descent into madness, her eyes widen as she notices the trail of blood across her palms, deep cuts from the broken glass.

But..but the demoness is still there, in every other mirror of this endless void, and her face...her face glistening among the broken glass she holds in her hands.

The monstrous distortion of herself seemed to laugh at her misery.

"No...No you can't be me" she grasps her throat as she falls to her knees, the ordeal making her senses numb.

For the first time in her appearance, the demoness speaks, her voice metallic, and rough.

"I am your truth Martha" she laughs again, the prominent blue veins of her face pulling through the skin.

Martha's blood turned to ice in her veins.

How does the demoness know her name?

" do you know my name?" Martha shouts.

There is no response.

There was she, seemingly still in the frame with a bloodthirsty smile.

It seems so much of just an image, a distorted image of her face, hideously painted by the devil himself.

Who would say this was the image that was so lively speaking to her just a few moments ago?

Martha could not take it anymore. Her head hurt.

With her black gown pulled up, she ran, side-stepping the mirrors with the demoness still smiling.

Fearfully glancing back at the mirrors with dread, her mind raced with urgency.

Bringing in the longest strides her frailing legs could cope up with.

Not for long, the music of the violin has started playing again.

As the violin's Banshee wail kept piercing her senses, she lurched forward with trembling and tired strides hoping for an end to this void somewhere.

She can't afford to stop. She can't let this go on, she has to find a way out of this loop of her nightmare.

The music keeps hammering her.

And finally gasping for breath among her own strides Martha trips and falls to her face over the stone-covered floor with a thud.


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