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No one had a clue how such a walled blanket had come about around the castle.
Miss Ruth was shocked as well.

"I shall be back in some time after checking if Miss Sarza, Doctor Fitz and countess Wilczek are alright". 

She traced her steps towards the residential towers, half-sprinting over the moist dew-smeared castle courtyard spread out with stone steps amid grass.

Meanwhile Zani was quite engrossed in understanding what sort of a magical barrier had come into effect around the castle.

He broke a branch from a chrysanthemum tree in the castle courtyard.
Moving  away a respectable distance from the castle gate, he tried to throw the branch over the walls away from himself.

However, as soon as the branch had a speck of itself reach where the wall stood its ground, it collided with the same invisible barrier Farhan had faced.

Something surprising happened this time. 

Rather than flying off in the distance straight from the base of the wall, it projected itself towards Zani himself. It flew at a swift speed aimed straight for Zani's face.

Zani was however, prepared for something quirky of this sort.

Just before the branch could hit his face, he ducked himself, in a cowering posture, towards the courtyard.

He could hear the branch fly through, where his face was just a fraction of a second ago with a snoosh!

It could have easily resulted in very serious face or eye injury with the speed and force it had, had he not gone for the dodge.

The others of the group, who were all busy attending to Farhan, now turned towards Zani with a puzzled gaze.

Zani let out a short sigh of relief, and then gave a brisk smile to let them know he was fine.

He proceeded to pull himself over, and then with quick slick strides made his way towards the place where others were standing, circled around Farhan.

Farhan was in his senses. His head, somewhat hurt from the sudden impact with the grassy porch.

He has been lucky to not his one of the stone steps, or pillars that adorned this place.

It would surely have resulted in grave injuries making their situation even more dire.

Farhan, took to his feet gradually, throwing his hands over the shoulder of Amelia and Zani.

His knees were grasping for balance, the body still in a state of mild shock.

"What should we do now?" Amelia enquired, her face glinting like steel.

Far from those fearful, dim eyes that searched for dangers at every corner, Amelia's eyes were now burning with the fire to conquer in them.

She knew they were trapped.
This place was a whole rainforest filled with giant plantations of dangers and evil forces.

To escape, they will need to put everything, including their lives on line.

But for now, they needed to get a hint at what was so very wrong with this castle after all.


It had got progressively colder inside this never ending abyss for Professor Sean.

He was feeling like a living scarecrow on ice.

The shrivelling icy breath that came from around him made it difficult to keep moving.
The stone floor, felt like sharp nails piercing his shoe, at every step he took.

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