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"Well Miss Ruth, I think Miss Sarza shall be fine now, she must have had a momentary collapse from the sheer shock of the sight in front of her"

Doctor Fitz was standing adjacent to the edge of the bed of Miss Sarza who lay on it in a very feeble state.

Miss Ruth was standing nearby, one of her hands placed on the headrest of the bed, while she fondled her gown unconsciously with the other. Confusion and sparse clouds of fear were quite clear in her eyes, from the events that have taken place.

Professor Sean was standing at some distance, his light frame leaning on the wall adjacent to the door.
His face was marked by a worry that ran deep.

"What about the finger doctor?" He asked quite impatiently.

"Well, it is a prosthetic one, not much to  worry about"

Both Miss Ruth's and Miss Sarza's faces seemed to brighten up with relief at this statement.

"Good Lord Jesus!" Miss Ruth exclaimed, her eyes closing in.

"But the blood does seem to be very much real Professor Sean"

Professor Sean's features instantly became taut at this, his eyes moving rapidly, as if in a desperate bid to connect dots in the mystery.

"Not Human blood professor!"

"Sheep's blood?" Professor Sean moved ahead and straightened his figure.

"Yes, they matched with the samples you gave me before, it is indeed Sheep's blood"
Upon saying this, Doctor Fitz went momentarily silent, into seemingly a deep thought.

In bed, Miss Sarza raised her hand and uttered in a very shaky voice.

"But the ring... I have seen the ring, It is none other than my daughter's professor, none other than hers!"

"Oh, my daughter...poor girl, God knows what those souls of satan did with her or continue to do to her at this very moment!"

Warm drops of tears made their way from the corner of her eyes down her pale ashened cheeks.

Miss Ruth kept silent, as the fear of something devil-like or the presence of evil in the castle had finally begun to be felt by her as well.
She does not know what shall happen next, but she does know this ordeal of troubles has just begun to show its true forms.

She looked up into the eyes of the professor.
Doubt, puzzlement, bafflement, that was all she saw.


Farhan and Amelia had been walking towards the castle for quite some time now.
The fog tonight seems to be somewhat less compared to last week.

Two bright flashlights constantly scanning their surroundings for potential dangers, they move forward through the road lined by dim yellow streetlights.
The nearby villages seemed to be all quiet and settled for the night inside their homes already.

As they drew nearer to the castle grounds, the fog began to accumulate around them at an alarming rate.
Farhan caught a very strange smell in the air and began to rub his nose, to shake the smell off.

"What is it?" Amelia asks, perplexed at this unusual act of Farhan.

"Rotting Carcass eh...Smelled this before somewhere..."

Amelia's eyes widen in alarm. A rotting Carcass! Here! But why??

As they move forward, the peculiar smell made its way to Amelia's nose making her stop in her tracks while holding her hand over her nose.

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