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Professor Sean strained his ears further.
The sobs were clearly originating from a young girl, very young infact, possibly a teen.

"Who is there?" Professor Sean shouts out into the darkness.
There is no reply.

"You shall never find her, she is mine" the voice of the demoness rang out with a crooked laugh.

"And even if you do, you all shall rot here to feed my revival" that bone chilling laugh rang out again.

Professor Sean hit back this time
"What do you mean by you all, who else do you have here, where are they?"

There was no reply, but only the laughter, that kept playing like a music of terror and death.

The laugh came again and again, like repeating on loop, bouncing off his ears again into somewhere in the endless abyss.

This crooked laugh, like the note of a music that scratched into his skin. It did not only irritate him, but crawled itself into his skin, making him rage inside.

"Coward, you are!" He shouts " Whatever you want to achieve, you wont succeed"

The laughter only got louder and sharper, as if the source had suddenly moved much closer to his ears.

The source which had seemed distant just a few moments ago now seemed to swirl around him, making it harder to detect which way it came from.


Seconds tick away, but the laugh does not stop.

Professor Sean could feel the ire for the demoness, turn into his desire to hit back at its mockery inside him.
He just needs to find a way to make this crooked laugh stop.

And that is when he did something completely unexpected.

With one swift movement of his left hand, he slid it across his shirt, and pulled out the holy cross in his left pocket.

Then with a strong grip, he put his hand holding the cross, straight infront of him, his eyes lasered to to the the cross head.

The laughing seemed to have stopped suddenly. Professor Sean scanned his surroundings. What happened to the demoness?
Did she flee before the power of the holy cross?

He slowly moved his hand over, the cross held tightly. One step at a time professor Sean started turning himself around the spot he was standing.

As he pivoted himself, holding the cross tightly in his hands, he could feel the environment around him reacting, like someone was watching him carefully, with much interest

He had turned somewhat towards the left, when he felt the hand land over his back on his shirt, so very cold that it pierced, into his skin.

He had never felt something so cold and ghastly skim over himself. He shrieked out in pain and tumbled forward.

As he fell though, he turned himself over, falling on his hand elbows, fueled in an attempt to see what force could have swept over him, to have made him feel so.

But to his surprise, there was no one. Not one disturbance in the air, ripples or currents, nothing at all.
As if the whole fabric of reality was invaded and had elusively left without a trace.

As Professor Sean slowly straightened himself, he felt his head, somewhat, throbbing in discomfort.

He tried to dig his hands onto to the stone floor and get up, but his back felt a little heavy and numb.

A sharp yet not long lasting pain shot through his back, causing a somewhat low, yet tired groan to come out from his mouth.

He knew that touch from the hand must have caused some injury to him, but what was it?
He looked around, trying to adjust himself back to his surroundings now that the laughter of the demoness was no longer heard.

LACUNA OBSCURA - A Horror ThrillerWhere stories live. Discover now