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Zani rubbed his hands as he delved his thoughts deeper into what was happening at Moosham.

Both of them went back to pondering over those images of strange marks that lay in front of them.

They were both quite tensed and on edge as they sat in the room, waiting for any word that came from their friends or Professor Sean.

The night was at its twilight and dawn was slowly breaking over the alpine highlands, casting a soft yet faded glow over the skyline in the distance.

The sky was a mixed canvas of faded pink among the darkness with the peaks of mountains far away in the distance towards the south, silhouetted against it.

The air had no sign of the mist but was quite still, adding to the eerie atmosphere that seemed to hang over Moosham.

Zani fidgeted with his fingers, his mind perplexed as to what more awaited them at every step of this place. There has been no call of assurance from Either Farhan or Amelia nor has Professor Sean managed to make any further contact with them. What was even going on in that castle?

Rexi had been preparing coffee for both of them. Zani smiled but then again went back into his thoughts. Its dire need at the moment left little room for argument taking into account the events they have been through.

Finally, while sipping the coffee along with Rexi, Zani shook his head as if trying to come to a conclusive decision. He couldn't take it any longer. 'We need to go to the castle,' he said firmly.

Rexi nodded in agreement, knowing that, if they were to find anything of importance it would be in the castle itself. 

Moreover, this isolation from others made her extremely worried. They had to make sure their friends were safe, no matter what.

They both got out, planning to visit the castle themselves now. Zani locked the door. However, as soon as they had reached the ground floor they both saw Miss Ruth, running towards them across the gate.

However none of them had seen her before, so they were somewhat confused to see a woman run towards them in such hurried fashion.

As soon as she came near, she blurted out "Are you the students of Professor Sean? I'm Ruth, the main caretaker at the castle"

"Well yes....but there are two more of us, they went to the castle, did you see them?"

Miss Ruth's face immediately went as pale as moonlight "OH MY GOD!"

'Miss Ruth, what's wrong?' Rexi asked, her voice filled with concern.

Miss Ruth's face became a little distorted with anxiety written all over it. She gasped for breath. 'It's Professor Sean,' she managed to say between her heavy panting. 'He's gone missing in the castle.'

Both of them exchanged fearful glances. They had a bad feeling about this. Miss Ruth continued, her words fumbling out her mouth in a panic-frenzy manner.

'We were done for the day and everything was fine. Professor was supposed to spend the rest of the night in one of the rooms attached to the prison chamber.

But as we were coming down the dungeon steps, I heard something slash and land a blow behind me. And then, suddenly there was a heavy mist that enveloped us. I fumbled helplessly among it but nothing was visible and when the fog cleared, Professor Sean was gone.'

Zani's jaw clenched as he listened to Miss Ruth's narration of what had taken place. By now he was quite sure, that there was something sinister at play here.

'And that's not all,' Miss Ruth continued her voice now very shaky, mirroring the fear inside her. 'There have been more disappearances in the village over the night. Mr. Reimer, the man you saved with the Vervain leaves, he just gone missing about an hour ago. I got this news on my way to your lodgings'

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