{Chapter 2}-Control Angel

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Angelica's introduction chapter

Angelica's introduction chapter

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{Subject 0706}



Angelica Barnes has dark brown hair and almost black-brown eyes that stare into your soul as if she has no control. But underneath, there is a heart of gold hidden away.

"I don't know why they would have called me Angelica, maybe because I am just very kind and nice, or maybe be..."

She wasn't able to finish her sentence before she was cut off by someone laughing—a laugh that made her sigh deeply and roll her eyes loudly.

"I think of you more as annoying and rude,"

a voice of a girl on the other side of the wall said. She sounded like she was smiling.


Angelica said, very annoyed and pissed off already.


the girl said back sarcastically, with a clearly audible laugh, as if she was just trying to get to Angelica—and it was working.

"I gladly will, and I will stab you to death then too,"

Angelica stood before the door of the cell next to hers, which suddenly opened. Both of the girls walked away from the doors.


The guard said as he opened her cell and grabbed the young girl by the arm, dragging her away. Angelica heard her screams until they simply stopped.

"Let her go now!"

Angelica screamed at the guard as the other one laughed, closing the girl's cell. He slammed her cell door with a metal bat, making her ears ring horribly loud as they left.

"Huh, what are you gonna do now?"
The guard said with a grin as he walked away from her towards the door. As the door opened, a scream was heard, one of fear and terror, one of Valeska.

The ringing finally stopped after minutes of the painful sound. She started to talk to herself as she was all alone, left here in the cell. Everyone was gone.

"How is life outside of this cell? I sometimes wonder. I have only been to the place where they train girls in those black body-covered suits or on some mission in the snowy desert. Every once in a while, some of us get sent to this experimental house. There are like 15 of us. I think one was named Viera or something. That place is nice, but they try to make you forget it for some reason. Maybe because it is nice, and these people are everything but nice."

There must be a reason why they keep Angelica around.
Cus they cant erase her memorys why would they keep her.
All the girl could do was heal herself.
Did they know more about her,could her mom do more then her.
She knew her mom died her father killed her thats what he told her she doesnt know how or when or even why.
But all she knew of her mom was that she died because of her father but for some reason he didnt feel about it like he did with the other deaths.
More like he could have stoped it but didnt more like he watched her get killed.
Like he didnt even hold the knife for it.
As if he was covering it up for some one.

She looked away from the wall swftly as she heard a scream come from where they took Valeska too.
Angelica looked sad, knowing that was the last scream she would ever hear from Valeska.
Evryone had a last scream mostly a hour after or so but Valeska's one was faster.
This time it was only 30 minuuts.
How did they get to her that fast,Valeska wa strong in mind and body.
She wouldnt give up without a good fight.

She grabbed a brick that she had hidden from the guards and scratched into the wall with it.
She scratched a stripe; a tear dropped.
There must have been like 50 stripes on that wall, all from kids that were taken away and never came back.

"Mabby if I go next time it will end finally, mabby they will stop, or Mabby I will stop,"

Angelica said with a sigh.

"Who the are you talking to my Angelica,"

A voice of a man said a voice she knew well.

"And what would you make stop?"

She ignored his quistion as he sounded woried he never caled her Angelica.

She leans against the wall of the front side of the cell.
Across from her cell, he sat against a small wall that a bed was attached to they all had it.
Behind that wall is a toilet.

"Daddy? You're back"

Her attitude changed as he saw him and holds her hands against the railing.

"You got big,"

He said as she looked happy atleast for in this place.

"Yea it's has been a view years years of course I have goten big,Dad. That is what time does, so far I know."

She said pissed of not at him but at Hydra self.
She was sent to the Redroom and after that, he was the winter soldier for a long long while.
She saw him yes but she didnt saw her dad she saw a monster.
The girl just wanted her father but after a while didnt need anyone anymore.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Confused and angry"

She said laying her head against the railing as he face was no where to be foumd how ever close she would get.

"Mabby try to sleep,"

He said as he looked at her.

"Don't tell me what to do I will sleep whenever I want to,james"

She sayed snapping at him still scared for him and off him.

He lets out a chuckle it sounded difrent then befor as he lays down to sleep.
Angelica stood up as she saw no one, She was talking to no one his cell was empty. He wasnt there, He was still out there.



Evrywhere but here.

She started to panic, was she going insane or was she already insane.
The girl started to loose he rmind the longer they kept her away from other people.
She started to hear him more after days even see him.
Or hear him strugle with that metal arm agianst somthing hard and cold.
It would make this anoyinh rining sound in her ears.

Dont forget to leave messages i love reading them and just let me know what u think about it love you guys and i hope it wasnt to much of a torture for you to read with my spelling i rewrote it and made it shorter have a good day.

~Love Mania

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