A Not So Normal Day

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(I'm not very good at writing, I just thought this would be a fun thing to do, sorry if the plot is a bit messy, but I do hope you enjoy!! :D)

—Sonic's POV—

*CLING CLING CLING* That sound would never get old. 'Ringing' up before an epic battle between me and Eggman was the second best thing that could happen to me, the first being kicking his egg-butt into oblivion of course. Zooming by Hedgehog's Pass, I collected a few more rings, ready to go into battle, until suddenly I dealt a strong blow to the face.

"AGH! Shadz! I'm about to go into battle... now I have to go get more rings. Not like that man-child of an evil genius could even get me, but still." Annoyed, I made a swift recovery, meeting the dark hedgie eye to eye. "Where... is... it." He grumbled slowly in a deep, stern voice.

"Where's what?" I knew exactly what he was talking about, but I loved to tease him. "The Chaos Emerald, don't act like you don't know, Faker." He was losing his patience now. "I could tell you, but you would probably use it to kick my ass" I chuckled, Shadow looked cute when he was mad. I was surprised by his response due to our rivalry, it was almost as if he was teasing me "Who says I can't kick your ass now? I am the ultimate form you know."

"Yeah yeah, ultimate life form, blah blah blah, but no matter how immortal you are, you'll never be as fast as me!" Maybe Shadow wasn't so much the emo quiet kid anymore.

"Tch. I don't need your help, I'll find the Emerald myself." He sneered before rolling his eyes and dashing off, I went off myself too, as I had an egg to scramble.

"Definitely still the emo kid," I laughed to myself, restocking up on the rings I lost from Shadow's blow.


In just under a minute I had made it to the 'battlefield'. "OPEN UP YOU PESKY RODENT!" The accurately named egg-shaped guy, Eggman was wafting around in his Eggmobile, whilst an army of robots were attempting to bash the door down to Tails' Workshop.

"Hey Tails! You ok in there?" I hollered into my communicator, hoping for an answer. I continued to spin-dash Eggy's robots, throwing, kicking, punching, whatever I could to stop those metalheads from hurting Tails.

"Sonic!" Eggman angrily glared me down, as I returned the favour with a grin, staring right back at him. "Hey Egghead, sorry to crash the party, but I'd rather prefer you not terrorise my friend." Laughing, I gave him a mocking 'please forgive me' look before speeding to the entrance of the workshop, ears twitching as I tried to remember the code.

"Uhh... what was it again?" Slightly panicking, I shouted into my communicator, "TAILS! What was the code again?" Robots still coming at me, all I got in response was "Give me a second Sonic!" Just what I needed. I hastily entered the numbers '2-5-5-6', but soon after a robotic voice crackled, "Incorrect. 2 tries left." I tried again and again, both leading to faliure; '8-1-9-0', wrong; '1-9-9-9', wrong... again.

A blaring alarm sounded as I held my ears down in an attempt to block out the noise. Suddenly I heard a small 'click', like a grapple being deployed. Surprised, I felt a small tug on my shins, and before I knew it, I was suspended upside-down at least a metre in the air, rope around my ankles, and unable to get free. Immediately, I knew what was coming next as a distant laugh became louder and louder.

"AHAHAHA!" The whirring of the Eggmobile was faint in the background, as Eggman came into sight. "Look at you! You wanna 'hang' out?" He let out another laugh, proud at his joke, "Orbot, Cubot, deploy operation 'Sonic Begone'!" A large rocket launcher arose from the back of the Eggmobile, aiming at me. I pulled at the ropes and struggled, but nothing was working. 'This is my end.' I thought, until Eggman shrieked, "YOU IMBECILES, THATS OPERATION SONIC BE GONE, I WANTED SONIC BEGONE." He paused for a moment, (Orbot whispering something into his ear) before shouting even louder, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LEFT IT AT THE LAIR?" Orbot expressed a face of guilt, while Cubot remained oblivious as always. Eggman facepalmed himself just as Tails came running outside, calling out to me, "Hey Sonic! Come inside quic- ah okay." He glanced at me hanging about before sprinting back inside, returning with a small remote. A small 'click' was heard as the button was pressed and the ropes were released. A few moments passed as I unsteadily sat up, slightly slurring as I thanked Tails, "Thank chaos, I was about to pass out from all the blood rushing to my head. You should put some sort of Face ID so I don't get tied up next time, you know I have shitty memory"
His face was flooded with embarrassment as he stammered, "Sorry, I didn't want to reveal my passkey incase Eggman overheard." Chuckling, I ruffled the larger tufts of fur on the top of his head and replied with a "Don't worry, now let's go crack that egg."

Eggman was still yelling at Orbot and Cubot while they desperately tried to fix their little mistake, failing ultimately. They were all taken aback when Tails clamoured, "Hey you! You're going to pay for what you did to my workshop!" Continued in a softer tone, he enquired, "How was that?"
"Could be better, but your improving!" I smirked and nodded my head, signalling for him to go. He flew over Eggy's head, and kicked down the idle rocket launcher until it became nothing better than a pile of scrap. At the same time, I spin dashed a few more robots before charging at the eggmobile, exchanging one more glance with the egghead, his face filled with hatred and disgust, and sent him off over the horizon.

"Jeez, he really left a mess didn't he?" Tails was looking around at the dismantled robot parts scattered around the place, some on fire, some left an acrid scent while pooling out dark oil, spilling out onto the once emerald green grass, staining it a putrid brown. Agreeing, I replied with, "He does this every time. I think the real evilness is how much he leaves us to clean up every time he attacks!" I let out a deep sigh, and started picking up scraps of metal off the floor. "You could use these scraps for your future projects you know," I suggested.
"Nah, I don't trust anything under Eggman supervision, and plus I already barely have any space to breath in my workshop." Tails was kicking around some decapitated robots, shoving them into a pile. "Though I might take some of these artificial voice boxes" He said while inspecting the little gizmo he had in his hand. "Yeah, they might be useful."

About half an hour passed and we had cleaned up the last of the robotic remains, well... nearly. I bent down to pick up the remaining few metal sheets, revealing a strange glowing shard. It glimmered in the sunshine, and reflected a glistening array of multicoloured lights all over the plains. Fascinated, I called out for Tails, "Hey Tails! Look at what I found! It's like some sort of... Crystal?" Tails flew over, and was immediately immersed in its beauty. "It's gorgeous!"
"I know, imagine what would happen if Rouge were here right now." I laughed, we chuckled together before I reached out to pick it up, until I was stopped by Tails. "Maybe I should check it out just to be sure, It looks like it could've been powering something, but I don't know what." The fox had warned me, but all I wanted to do was to go get a chilli dog and go home, so I held it up into the sun, a beam of light burst out of the crystal, directly into the sky. Tails' face was full of horror, his hand shaking as he pointed at me, "S-Sonic look..." I looked down at my worn down sneakers, only to find myself, glitching? I was phasing in and out of existence as I stared back at him, only now I was actually scared. "Tails? TAILS!" I felt a tingling sensation running down my arm, yet I couldn't move it, so I was just there, frozen, staring Tails dead in the eye. Suddenly a bright light blinded me, my ears ringing as I heard Tails scream, "SONIC!!" That was the last thing I heard before everything went dark.

My head throbbed as I slowly opened my eyes, my eyelids felt as heavy as a car. Mustering up all the strength I could, I sat up, my whole body in pain. My vision was blurry, but after I blinked a few times it was alright-ish. Looking around, I found myself sat in Green Hill... but not Green Hill? The landscape was dull, the grass felt fake, the sky was grey. It was Green Hill, definitely, but what used to be majestic rolling hills and palm trees was replaced by tall skyscrapers, all various shades of red. I turned my head the other way, only to be met by a dark hedgehog, one that I knew too well.


He stared at me in shock, looking relieved yet panicked, tears welling up in his eyes. He was a train wreck, his fur was a mess, and he looked... drained.


"I t-thought you died in T-The Incident."

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