The Last One (Marauders Au)

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Summary: Marauders band AU!!! The band, Lily, Remus, James and Sirius are heading to their the last show of their first ever tour. But could a stupid fight make this their last?

W/C: 1.8K

A/N: Feedbacks and tips will be well recieved :)) Proof read.
Happy reading everyone!!


You would think that one of the biggest bands in the world, which’s currently thriving off of the success of their latest album, would be disappointed that their last ever show ends in just under forty-eight hours.

But they’re not.

“Come on Remus, just get on the damn bus!” Remus yells to Lilly. “It will not make a difference whether we are in Rome at eight pm or nine pm dude.” Lily is fairly calm after what happened last night. She knows she did not do anything wrong, so why bother worrying about it?
Sirius lights up a cigarette while walking up the stairs, almost falling in the process. “Oui, I’m the lead singer. I can do whatever the hell I want, oui oui baguette.” Lily whispers to James in her best French accent. James snorts, making them laugh even harder than they already were. The media likes to think that they are all jealous of Sirius’ looks or partners because that’s the only explanation. But as a matter of fact, they all just liked to mess around with each other.

All in the bus, Sirius blows out some smoke and sits down at the front. He likes to look through the large front window while they drive to their next destination. He has never been to Rome and he is looking forward to it. Sirius closes his eyes and lets the sun fall onto his skin. He thinks back to yesterday. God, the band embarrassed him so much.

It all started last show, in Milan.
Everything was more than fine, or at least that is what they thought.

They were doing the sound check in the second-to-last show of their tour, becoming suddenly famous after someone had filmed them in the streets of London.
It had been a big surprise for all of them, but who cares? They were young and famous, what more do you need?
Turns out that it wasn’t everything.

When the soundcheck was done they headed inside to get ready and then headed out to an interview right before their show.
At the interview, they were a little bit nervous, some clearly more than others. James was a clear example; he couldn’t stop fidgeting with her rings.

The interviewer welcomed them all and said he would start in a few seconds.
The band took one last deep breath when the cameraman started counting, three, two, one…

“Welcome everyone, for today’s show I will be interviewing the gold mine of the rock industry, The Marauders,” the interviewer had started.
“Most of you probably already know them, but I will make a short introduction,” the camera was now pointed at the band, to which the band responded with a small wave.
“On the drums, James, our loved bassist Remus, on the guitar Lily and the best, the most loved and leader of the group, our neighbour from France, Sirius, the singer,” after the ‘warm’ welcome the band had lost their enthusiasm (not including Valerie).

The interview went on, but none of the band members were really included in the questions that were asked. At least Sirius seemed to be enjoying himself.

“And for my last question, Sirius would you consider doing a solo career?” the interviewer asked.
Remus and Lily shared a knowing, but it was only after Sirius’ response that they snapped.
“Yes, I have received a few calls the last month and I and my advisers are working on it,” Sirius finished. He had just dropped that bomb as nothing else mattered more than his fame, how ridiculous could he be? Even after all they had been through with the band.
“Well, I guess that it is our time to say goodbye. Once again, thank you for having me–” the interviewer was cut by Remus.
“Actually, I have a few things I would like to say,” Remus was getting angrier by the time and since he and Sirius were dating he thought they were going to be honest with each other, but instead he chose to keep that hidden and that had been the last drop.
“WE, the band, are a group, GROUP. We have no ‘leader’ or whatever you would like to call it,” he continued and James joined.
“We are doing this together as friends, and no solo career is going to stop us,” James said. “Besides, who would want to hear a singer without its band?” Lily had also joined in.

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