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(Author's POV)

"Hello" Jungwon said, taking his shoes off.

The dorm was dark so they couldn't really see anything. That was until Jungwon turned on the lights.

On the couch, two people could be seen making out. Beomgyu and...

"TAEHYUN?!" Sunghoon yelled out in shock but regretted it soon after.

"What the hell are you doing in here?!" Beomgyu said clearly annoyed and embarrassed.

"Bro... you gay?" Jungwon let out, looking Beomgyu straight in the eyes.

"Can we not talk about this now" He looked down, he looked ashamed.

Sunghoon took off his shoes and went to the couch where Taehyun was sitting.

"Taehyun.." Sunghoon sat next to him.

He didn't get a response from the other male.

"Taehyun look at me" Sunghoon tried again, still no answer.

After a few seconds, a loud sob was heard through the dorm.

"I'm sorry" Taehyun cried while looking up at Sunghoon.

"What- Taehyun, why are you sorry" Sunghoon couldn't understand why the other was sorry, or crying for that matter.

"I'm sorry Sunghoon... I-i bullied you for being gay" Taehyun sobbed in the tallers arms.

"No.. We've already talked about this.. We're friends right? I wont judge you cause you judged me. You apologised, we're past this alright?" Sunghoon reassured the crying boy.

"Are you sure?" Taehyun stopped crying, looking up at Sunghoon with his bloodshot eyes.

"Yes. Im sure." Sunghoon said calmly while circuling his right hand on the others back.

"I understand that this is a very heart-warming moment or something... but we really gotta get going" Jungwon said while walking up to the couch.

Sunghoon looked up at his boyfriend nodding.

"Talk to you later Taehyun" Sunghoon said as he got up from the couch.

Sunghoon went out of the dorm, holding the door open for Jungwon who was talking to Beomgyu.

"Why didn't you tell me" Jungwon asked with a low tone.

"He bullied you" Beomgyu said looking up at him.

"How-" Jungwon was about to ask but stopped.

"It's okay.. I gotta go, see ya later" with that, sunghoon and jungwon left to go to their own dorm.

As soon as they came in to the dorm, they plopped down on the couch together.

"I'm tired" Sunghoon said feeling how his eyeslids were closing.

"Goodnight Sunghoon. I love you"


*Sunghoons pov*

"Yo he's waking up!" I heard a faint voice on the other end of the room.
I couldn't tell who's it was as I was so tired. I tried to open my eyes but the light in the room as blinding my eyes.

The light dimmed, and I heard a loud sob.
I managed to open my eyes and look around in the room. It looked like I was laying in a hospital bed.

"What happened?" I managed to let out.

"You've been in a coma for five months... we didn't think you would survive" Jay said with tears in his eyes.

"A coma... so nothing was real?" I began to panic. Was everything just a dream?

"What do you mean" Soobin asked confused.

"Where is Jungwon?" I felt like my whole world was ending. Will I never see jungwon again?

"Who is jungwon?" Jeongin looked extremely confused by the name.

I didn't notice I was crying until loud sobs were leaving my mouth.

There was no jungwon...


ain't no way i said really soon and got y'all waiting for four months. i'm really sorry but i lost interest in this book long ago. thank y'all for reading, i will be doing a lot of new ffs that will be updated MUCH more often and will be more planned out. please check those out. thank y'all. byeee

-not proofread-

𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍 // 𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚠𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now