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This is where things are absolutely⚠️ ⚠️awful.⚠️

You have been warned.
Read at your own discretion.

Insanity Regression
There's no way back now
From what I thought, was a bliss.
A thing I was longing for after the torture?

Do you ever feel like you're sinking so fast? Almost light speed... Yet it's a long, painful journey?

My mind snaps, the neurons crackle, the sizzling of all sensations are aggressive and violent to my head.
Ascension returns to falling once again.

This time it's a true dystopia.
Shapes begin to melt into eachother.
These unexpected sensation in my head, like plaques and entanglements... are consuming like dementia.

The most agonizing pain you couldn't understand.
To be aware, you're at this level is horrible!!

From the moment of indulgence, a false sense of hope, to absolute limbo.
A limbo so median you feel your mind fusing into one side...
It's more of a headache for your mentally.

You couldn't understand how awful it was here, glimpses of reality was more horrific than this shifted warped depressed unbearable agony of a world.

My attention could only pay attention to the shattering waves of my reality, each individual piece is getting a second of all my attention, burning within my void of eyes. Every unreal second shifts to the next, bursting in an intense deformity... I could feel the chains of this hell were unbreakable showing me what a real hell is like.

With each millisecond that passed, my attention would overreact to the next... Absolutely overloading me.
As each shape I could realize would bounce to the next.
A depression so thick you're forgetting you're in a constant pain.
Ripping underneath the surface this is where true hell goes.

I'm echoing again, but the echoes are these endless torn and crumbled pieces that aren't forming correctly towards an echo or connection.
I don't know what explaining what the sky looks like anymore.

It's crushing into itself, the sky is tearing itself apart and those stars have formed into more corroded wires and ends that... Never really END.

Echoes Tear through me.
It's fairly not just depression anymore, our mind so occupied on an issue... Or thousands, LITERALLY. It can get this bad, what if you can't find the reason? I'm echoing, but nothing echoed back.

It's so damaged so shattered every sense every atom is being eradicated. Turning to the outdoors, was every star eating away at itself.

A large gap in the moon, an endless storm that started to drizzle neon, dull and completely fully corrupted colors all over this broken world. The trees... Aren't tree's, they're hands literally scraping and clawing at the endless air, for any hope any meaning... It's unreal, it's insanity.

The neon lights are like the faint blinking flickering quick flashes of some form of reality. I can't echo back, I can copy that... I can't roger that. Breaking and molding into something unexplainable.

Can't you see? It's over, it should already fizzle away... So why can't I just let it absolutely destroy me? I want to be gone. Every frame is another meaningless end to the next. My computer I've always had is shriveled into a thing that wanted more, selfishly evolving into this tech that I can no longer use.

You Were Always a Daydreamer Draft VersionWhere stories live. Discover now