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"Goodnight, sleep well angel,"

"I will because Uncle Ashton is here to protect us,"

"Okay," I said quietly, "Good,"

I tucked her in and turned the light out, then went downstairs and got another beer out, opening it.

"How are you doing?"


"She's a kid, she just says stuff," Michael said, rubbing my arm, "But, if you do ever want some help then we are all happy to take her for a bit or come over. You need to be studying for your exam,"

"I am fine,"

"Luke... I think you really need to do well on this exam,"

"Yeah...yeah you are right,"

"We are gonna help you get your goals. You have supported all of us!"

"Thank you. I hate that she notices these things,"

"The curse of a very intelligent daughter!" Calum said, "She loves your home and you know it. Home is where you are, you are her favourite person in the whole entire world and she is so fucking lucky to have you,"

"I think we need pizza, and you need to get that beer down you,"

While Ash ordered pizza, I sat on the sofa and put my legs back up, Cal sitting beside me. He passed me a controller, and I realised Mike had brought his games along which was nice. I thought it would be a board games night, but this was better.

"She is so obsessed with the idea that Ash needs to protect us and I don't know why,"

"Bless her. I think she just sees Ashton as being very strong,"

"And she looks up to him a lot!"

"And don't lie, Luke, you sleep much better here too," Ashton said, "Pizza should be 20 minutes. Did Gabi enjoy her tea?"

"She hoovered it off her plate,"

"Yeah, I suppose so,"

"Do I owe any money?" I asked.

"Nope. Mike covered it,"

"Thank you,"

"Hospital food hasn't been cutting it for you all week,"

"Definitely not,"

I played against Cal at mario kart until the food came, then we put on some tv in the background while we ate. Letting myself relax and have my guard down, and just have a couple of drinks and some shitty pizza was what I needed. It felt like life before the stress.

Knowing the three of them had stuck with me through this all was the best feeling in the world. They stayed my friend even when I was with Kiera, and they helped me get out of my situation. They paid the deposit for my flat, Ash found me a good lawyer, and them and my family did what they could to help with Gabi.

The first year alone hadn't been so bad, it was finding my feet and balancing work and a kid. It was when she got sick that things went to shit. I was disorganised, the house was always messy, my brain never switched off. I wanted to be a parent she could rely on, and that could take her out to the shops and say yes to everything. If I ever got money I feared I would not be able to stop shopping.

All I wanted was to be able to treat my princess like a princess.

"Do you know what she told me she would dream about?"

"Let me guess... food?"

"Yeah. Popcorn,"

"She is obsessed with the stuff ever since you took her to the movies, Cal," I laughed.

"I get super cheap tickets cos of my phone contract, you are free to use them every week,"

"Wait, really?"

"Of course, I don't go,"

"I would really like to take her sometime,"

"Just let me know whenever you wanna go,"

"Thank you... I think I might head up to bed now,"

"Following right behind you,"

I went up to the bedroom I was sharing with Cal and changed into clean pyjamas, heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Gabi had begged to share with Michael, and I insisted on that not happening because the coughing was enough to piss anyone off, but he said it was okay.

Mid way through brushing my teeth I heard crying and screaming, then heard Gabi running down the hall; I poked my head out and she saw me, running into the bathroom.


"What's wrong?"

"I had a nightmare,"

I spat my toothpaste out and wiped my mouth, then picked her up, bouncing her up and down; she was hysterical.

"It's okay angel,"

"No it's not,"

"What's wrong?"

The tears were coming out at an insane speed, and her cheeks were bright red, her throat sounding hoarse from the cries.

"Gabi, tell me what the nightmare was,"

"I was at the hospital and, and they were holding me and hurting me with needles,"

"Alright," I hushed, "Dad is never going to let that happen to you,"

"I hate the hospital,"

"I know. It wasn't so bad this time though, was it! I know daddy had to go to work but you watched some tv and were cosy in bed,"

"I hate doctors," she said, her voice wobbling, "It was so scary,"

She started sobbing again and Michael came in, walking behind me so he could see her face. I felt him wipe her cheeks, but she buried her head into me.

"I want to sleep in your bed, dad,"

"That is okay. Michael, can you check the bed is alright? Her pjs feel a bit damp,"

I cuddled her until she calmed down, then sat her on the counter and kissed her head, letting Ash come and fuss over her as well.

"Did I wet the bed again?"

"Yeah, but I am sorting it out! I am gonna blow up the air bed for Calum and you can go in dad's bed,"


"Why don't you have another nice warm bath, and we can read you a story after?"

"Yes please,"

Ashton started running the bath, and Cal took her pyjamas to put in the wash with the bedding. I tied her hair up and gave her a quick bath, then dried her off and Ashton lent her a tshirt which drowned her.

Calum's airbed was on the floor, so I tucked Gabi into the big bed and found a book, also sitting next to her.

"I am sorry everybody," she said loudly.

"That's okay!"

"Sleep well darling!"

"Don't worry,"

She looked up at me and I smiled, kissing her forehead. Our story was short, but enough to relax her again, and she fell asleep once I started rubbing her back. Cal wasn't far behind her, so I settled down myself.

There was never a dull day as a parent, and I was bloody lucky I had these guys to help.

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