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"Dad look at me," Gabi squealed, balancing herself on Calum's knees, "I am a cheerleader,"

"Oh my goodness! You are!"

"She has you wrapped round her finger," Ashton laughed, shaking his head, "How did you convince Cal to do this?"

"Uncle Calum and Michael do everything I tell them to do,"

"That is true,"

"Shall we get you in the bath now?"

"I wanna play! Ashton hasn't played!"

"How about I give you your bubble bath instead?"

She nodded, and followed him to the bathroom, ao I put the kettle on and started to fill the washing up bowl up. Cal got the mugs out for me and put the tea bags in, then I made them all, sitting on the sofa with Gabi's giggles in the background.

"You alright?"

"Yeah. I will be. She's at Julian's the next few nights so I get some peace,"

"I am proud of ya, you are gonna ace this exam,"

"My boss thinks otherwise,"

"Then prove him wrong," Calum said, "It is hell out here, I tell you that, but we are gonna get what we want! It is really rewarding to finally be training for what you love,"

"Agreed," Michael said, "She might not understand, but she will be proud of you,"

"Unfortunately, I think she understands more than we know,"

Cal gave me a sad smile, and I sighed, drinking my tea. On the bright side, she was doing better now, and school seemed all okay. Her health was my most important stress, and at least that was settled. This month's bills were paid, I just about had enough for food, I just had to hope nothing else went wrong which generally, and luckily, it didn't. 

We stuck the tv on, then I put Gabi to bed, reading her a book to send her to sleep. She fell asleep easily, which I suspected was because the guys were here, but I wasn't complaining. They stayed for a bit after, and even though I pretty much sat in silence and listened to them talk, I was happy. Recently we had been able to spend much more time together and I could really feel the improvement it was making on me.

When they left, I got ready for bed and fell asleep pretty quickly too, plus Gabi had not made her way into my bed so I had it all to myself.

In the morning, we did our usual routine. I did Gabi's hair into pigtails today, then put two little bow clips on. I filled up her bottle of water, then packed my lunch and we headed out, having our usual singsong. She didn't care much about changing out her uniform, so I hadn't packed her any clothes to change into, but I packed her a snack.

Today, she wanted me to walk her in, but she never usually went to a friends house so I expected it was that. It didn't take too much time out of the morning anyway, so I got to work on time okay.

"Luke! Are we still on for tonight?"

"Yeah. I have packed her a snack,"

"I've got snacks mate. Is she picky with food?"

"No, she can only drink water though. And not too much salt,"

"Okay. Want me to drop her off in the evening?"

"That would be great actually, thank you,"

"I will see you then, probably around 7,"

I went about my day, mainly trying to avoid my boss, then signed myself up to work a 24 hour shift on Friday to make up some hours; Gabi would just have to go to my parent's.

Part of me had wanted to work longer instead, but I really needed chance to revise, so after work I took an on call room and got to it. I did a steady couple of hours, then grabbed food with Calum since he was still here. If he wasn't seeing us, he was always here.

"How is the work going?"

"Alright. The exam isn't too bad, actually, I just need to relearn the basics. I am a bit ahead of myself,"

"Ahhh, you've easily got that!"

"Yeah. I hope Gabi is having fun,"

"She will be,"

"I have taken a 24 hour shift on Friday, I hope she is alright with my mum and dad,"

"She will be just fine, but I can always swing round and pick her up for the last few hours if you would like. I am always in need of time with my niece,"

"I think she would thoroughly enjoy that,"

"I have got to head back to work now, but I hope the revising goes well,"

"Thank you, have a good shift,"

He left, so I took my food back to my room and carried on studying for another hour. Once I was all cleared up, I left and drove home, making it about ten minutes before Gabi was due. Knowing the speed she went, they would probably not be due for another 20 minutes, so I hoped to squeeze a shower in.

I put my bag on and locked the car, then went inside and checked for mail. We had one letter, so I took it upstairs and opened it on the way, stopping outside my door.

It was an eviction notice.

Immediately, my eyes welled up and I started to unlock my door, but I missed all the key holes because my hands were shaking. This couldn't be happening. I couldn't afford anywhere else. There was no where else to even go.

I tried to reread the letter, but my eyes flooded with tears so I started pacing, trying to breath properly as Gabi was due any second. As much as I hated it here, this was home, and where Gabi found comfort. Within those walls of her sweet little bedroom was her home.
Things were going right, ish. As right as they had ever gone for us lately. I knew it was too good to be true.

My buzzer went off, and I wiped my eyes, letting them in the building; I splashed cold water on my face, and put my reading glasses on to try and hide it.


"Heya angel, did you have a good time?"


"She has been a very good guest, we look forward to having her tomorrow," Jeremiah said, passing me her bag, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Thank you for having her,"

"See you Mr Luke!"

"See you Julian," I laughed, waving as they left. I shut the door and locked it, then took Gabi's bag to her room, sitting on her bed. She sat next to me, and looped arms with mine.

"Are you okay, dad?"

"We need a big girl conversation okay?"


"So, you know how dad pays money to someone to live here every month, yeah?"


"Well, the person I pay decided he wants me to find somewhere else to live! So we need to go on a new adventure somewhere else,"


"Now, I am a bit sad because I didn't expect this, so it is a bit stressful, but I will be okay. Okay?"

"Maybe Uncle Ashton can help?"

"Yeah, I am gonna call all your uncles! Are you okay playing for a bit?"


"Alright. Are you hungry or thirsty?"

"No. It will be okay dad, you always fix anything,"

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